DEV Community

Sonia Belokur
Sonia Belokur

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Full-stack monitoring in one solution or is it better to split out the functions between several applications?

Firstly, this question had my attention, now it has my curiosity :) Since I dig into the full-stack monitoring niche, I would appreciate your opinion about the question above.

On the one hand, it's always convenient to have a single monitoring solution for several purposes, e.g. IT infrastructure monitoring, log management, synthetic monitoring, etc. It doesn't matter if your company is a startup or enterprise, the benefits of an all-in-one solution are obvious:

  • One place for monitoring, logging, user experience, etc., consequently, one console instead of multiple.

  • Observability. Explore why an application or system behaves in a certain manner.

  • Real-time metrics. Correlate application metrics, transaction metrics, and infrastructure metrics to see what’s going on in your apps.

Logically, such an option helps to save company's budget and manager's & DevOps mental health :)

But, on the other hand, the vast majority of people I know are sure that the existing B2B solutions are not always capable to face all the processes and produce expected results. I don't know why. Of course, we talk about solutions such as InsightCat,, Splunk, etc. The main argument is that "there is no decent “full stack” option".

Perhaps, it depends on the company budget and tech people's preferences. But, from my personal perspective, a single full-stack solution is a good option to think about, especially, if you have multiple clouds, SaaS, and a few hundred apps.

My company uses InsigthCat and we like it. So, I'm curious to know which side is preferable in your company and why.

Do you stick to all-in-one or splitting?

Thank you.

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