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How to watch more cat videos with Netsuite Scheduled Scripts

Are you tired of manually running your Suitelet scripts every time you want to update your inventory? Well, look no further than Netsuite's Suitelet 2.0 Scheduled Scripts! These bad boys will take care of all your automation needs and free up your time for more important things... like cat videos on YouTube.

For example, let's say you're running a retail business and you want to automatically mark items as "Out of Stock" when they hit a certain inventory threshold. Instead of constantly checking and updating your inventory manually, you can set up a Suitelet 2.0 Scheduled Script to do it for you.

Here's a quick and easy example of how to set up your own scheduled script:

Create a new Suitelet script in your Netsuite account
In the script's parameters, set the execution to "Scheduled" and specify the schedule frequency (daily, weekly, etc.)
In the script's code, add a search to find all items with a quantity less than or equal to your desired "Out of Stock" threshold.
Loop through the search results and update each item's "Out of Stock" field to "T" (for true)
Save and deploy your script
And that's it! Your script will now run on the schedule you specified and keep your inventory up-to-date without you lifting a finger (well, except for the finger you used to click the "Deploy" button).

Let's say you're running an e-commerce business on Netsuite and you want to be notified when certain items are running low on stock. With Suitelet 2.0, you can set up a scheduled script that checks your inventory levels every day at a certain time and sends you an email notification if any items fall below a certain threshold.

Here's a quick example of what that script might look like:

 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType ScheduledScript
define(['N/search', 'N/email'], function(search, email) {

    function execute(context) {
        var lowStockItems = [];

        // Run a search to find all items with stock below 10
        var inventorySearch = search.create({
            type: 'item',
            filters: [
            columns: ['itemid']
        }); {
            return true;

        // If we found any low stock items, send an email notification
        if (lowStockItems.length > 0) {
            var emailSubject = 'While you were watching cat videos - Low Stock Alert';
            var emailBody = 'The following items are running low on stock: ' + lowStockItems.join(', ');

                to: '',
                subject: emailSubject,
                body: emailBody

    return {
        execute: execute
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So don't let manual updates bring you down, let Suitelet 2.0 Scheduled Scripts do the heavy lifting for you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch some more cat videos.

Top comments (1)

ahmedelmasry2020 profile image

I was little confused about the "Create a new Suitelet script in your Netsuite account
In the script's parameters, set the execution to "Scheduled"". I think you mean creating a scheduled script