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Adeyemi Ibrahim
Adeyemi Ibrahim

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How to create Nodejs server without an external package

In this post we will just move into Nodejs fundamental by creating a Nodejs server without the use of any external packages like Express, Mongoose or other third party libraries to implement our functionality.

We start by building a raw HTTP Nodejs with no framework , no npm and no package.json but with the use of a terminal(Gitbash or any terminal of your choice) and an editor(VScode or any editor of your choice) by using Javascript and nodejs as our runtime.


http in Nodejs is an inbuilt module that provide an interface to create HTTP(clients or server) that communicate with other HTTP(clients or server) via HTTP protocols.

Therfore we will build a server that will

  • import module
  • create a server instance
  • listen to the server

Creating a HTTP server

First, we need set up an accessible coding enviroment. in the terminal create a folder called 01-Server.

 $ mkdir 01-server
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Then, open/enter the folder

$ cd 01-server
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Now, create a js file that you will type the code.

$ touch httpserver.js

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Then, open the file

$ nano httpserver.js
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Import Module

There are many inbuit module in Nodejs apart from 'http' like 'os', 'fs', 'path', and many more but our main focus is on 'http'.
So in other for we to use 'http' we must require the 'http' module.

      const http = require("http");
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Creating a Server Instance

Creating a server from the imported module then callback/invoke the function.

       const server = http.createServer();
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createServer has another argument it takes in a call back function which has to run everytime a request comes in to our server. Inside the callback function, we have access to two different type of object: Requestreq and Responseres object. The request object is full of information about the url requested. Other information on the request type are GET, PUT, POST, DELETE. While the responseres object is the object we use to send a object to the user

      const server = http.createServer((req,res)=>{
             console.log("request made to the server");
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Listen to Server Request

For the server to listen to the request, we have to define two constants, the host and the port which will be pass in as an arguement into our server.

     const host = "localhost";
     const port = 5757;
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The value of the local host is and its only available to all local computer while the port numbers are like a door into our computer. Therefore, when we bind our server to this host and port, we'll be able to reach our server on https://localhost:5757

    server.listen(port, host,()=> {
       console.log("server ✌✌✌ is running on a port 5757");
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How to run Nodejs on our terminal

Press Ctrl J if you are using VScode to open the terminal

USER@DESKTOP-IK7TQLK MINGW64 ~/Desktop/01-Server

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Then, collecting all our codes together we have

   const http = require("http");

   const server = http.createServer((req,res)=>{
         console.log("request made to the server");

   const host = "localhost";
   const port = 5757;

   server.listen(port, host,()=> {
          console.log("server ✌✌✌ is running on a port 5757")
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Now, we run our code on the terminal using node httpserver.js or node httpserver where httpserver.js is the name of our js file created

USER@DESKTOP-IK7TQLK MINGW64 ~/Desktop/01-Server
$ node httpserver.js

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USER@DESKTOP-IK7TQLK MINGW64 ~/Desktop/01-Server
$ node httpserver.js
server ✌✌✌ is running on a port 5757
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Now, we see server ✌✌✌ is running on a port 5757 which is in our console.log("server ✌✌✌ is running on a port 5757"). This shows that this server is actively running and listening to request on localhost:5757.

Then, we go to the browser to send a request using localhost:5757 or Our browser keep loading without any response but checking our terminal which shows request made to the server

USER@DESKTOP-IK7TQLK MINGW64 ~/Desktop/01-Server
$ node httpserver.js
server ✌✌✌ is running on a port 5757
request made to the server
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From our server instance, whenever a request is being made to the server print request made to the server

      const server = http.createServer((req,res)=>{
             console.log("request made to the server");
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Now, we've have successfully create a server with Nodejs


Now, lets create a server using that will log a request and send back a response

const http = require("http");
  const server = http.createServer((req,res)=>{
     console.log("Request made");

   if (req.url=="/") {
    res.writeHead(200, "Content-Type", "text/html");
} else if (req.url == "/login") {
    res.writeHead(201, "Content-Type", "text/html");
    res.write("<h1>LOGIN SUCCESSFULLY</h1>");
} else {
    res.writeHead(404, "Content-Type","text/plain");
    res.write("PAGE NOT FOUND");
 const host = "localhost";
 const port = 5757;

 server.listen(port, host,(req, res) =>{
  console.log("server is up and running 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️");
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