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Shobhit Kumar
Shobhit Kumar

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Creating a simple Login function with Redux and Thunk in React Native

This is my first post here :)

In this post, we will see how an action can be dispatched using Redux on login, and set the app state accordingly.

Assuming familiarity with React Native and Redux concepts

We have the following Login component to begin with :

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View, Button, Text } from 'react-native';

import CustomButton from '../../components/CustomButton';
import InputField from '../../components/InputField';

import { styles } from './style';

const Login = (props) => {

  // remove these initial assignments after testing
  const [username, setUsername] = useState('');
  const [password, setPassword] = useState('');

  return (
        placeholder='Enter username'
        onChangeText={(text) => setUsername(text)}
        placeholder='Enter password'
        onChangeText={(text) => setPassword(text)}
        title='Sign In' 
        onPress={() => }  

export default Login;
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Right now it doesn't do anything, it's just barebones UI.

To make it "react" to user action we should update the onPress paramter in the SignIn button.

<CustomButton title='Sign In' onPress={() => } />
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We use redux here, so pressing the button should dispatch and action to the reducer which should in turn update the overall app's state.

For sake of simplicity, all redux code is placed in a 'redux' folder, while the components are in 'src/components/< ComponentName >/index.js'.

This is how our redux folder looks like.
├── actions.js
├── actionTypes.js
├── initialState.js
├── reducer.js
└── store.js

Let's set initialState as follows. These are all the fields that our login API will return (yours may differ).
userId and isLogged in are flags that we will set on our own (these are not part of API response)

export const initialState = {
  isLoggedIn: false,
  userId: '',
  token: '',
  refreshToken: '',
  expiresOn: '',
  data: '',
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Define action type in actionTypes.js

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Let's now create our loginReducer in reducer.js

import { initialState } from './initialState';
import * as t from './actionTypes';

export const loginReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case t.SET_LOGIN_STATE:
      return {
        ...action.payload, // this is what we expect to get back from API call and login page input
        isLoggedIn: true, // we set this as true on login
      return state;
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We can now generate our redux store using all the available information and thunk as middleware to handle API calls.

import thunkMiddleware from 'redux-thunk';
import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { composeWithDevTools } from 'redux-devtools-extension/developmentOnly'; // this is for debugging with React-Native-Debugger, you may leave it out
import { loginReducer } from './reducer';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  loginReducer: loginReducer,

export const store = createStore(
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We have these things in place but we still have not figured how to set the state from the Login component. For this we need to define some actions in actions.js

What we are looking at is a function that can call the login API and return the result back to us.

Something like :

return fetch(LoginUrl, {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        Accept: 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      body: JSON.stringify(loginInput),
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But we also need to ensure that the action is "connected" to the "reducer" in order to update the redux state or store.

Since API call is considered unpredictable, it should not dispatch the action object directly to reducer, but through a helper.

Dispatching action can return only an Object. If it returns a promise the app will break. We need to make sure of this.

In actions.js :

import * as t from './actionTypes';
import { LoginUrl } from '../constants/Api';

// this is what our action should look like which dispatches the "payload" to reducer
const setLoginState = (loginData) => {
  return {
    type: t.SET_LOGIN_STATE,
    payload: loginData,
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To fetch this loginData in the action above, we create another function using the fetch operation discussed above:

import { Alert } from 'react-native'; // to show alerts in app

export const login = (loginInput) => {
  const { username, password } = loginInput;
  return (dispatch) => {  // don't forget to use dispatch here!
    return fetch(LoginUrl, {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {  // these could be different for your API call
        Accept: 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      body: JSON.stringify(loginInput),
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((json) => {
        if (json.msg === 'success') { // response success checking logic could differ
          dispatch(setLoginState({ ...json, userId: username })); // our action is called here
        } else {
          Alert.alert('Login Failed', 'Username or Password is incorrect');
      .catch((err) => {
        Alert.alert('Login Failed', 'Some error occured, please retry');
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You can see how our action is dispatched from this function, which in turn will return a payload object to the reducer in order to perform state update.

Only thing remaining now is connecting this function to the UI. Let's go back to our Login component in the Submit button section and specify onPress

import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { login } from '../../redux/actions';


        title='Sign In' 
        onPress={() => useDispatch(login({'username': username, 'password': password }))}  
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Since we are using redux here, all our functions should ideally be in form of some action, which will be caught in the redux-thunk middleware first and then passed on appropriately to reducer.

On successful login, the initialState values will all be populated. On failure, an alert will show up stating error.

Top comments (6)

dmdshubham profile image
Shubham Singh

how can i get the complete example of this

kuldip9060 profile image

Very nice!!! , How to download full source code?

harshjoeyit profile image
Harshit Gangwar

Hey, thats great!

hamzareactnative profile image

github repo ?

atomauro profile image
Mauricio Henao

is amazing! thank you so much ! where can i find the source code?
simply awesome

atomauro profile image
Mauricio Henao

i looked for it in you Github user but with no lucky!