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Understanding Hoisting

skaytech on July 02, 2020

Introduction Before we talk about hoisting, I think it is important to understand how the JavaScript engine looks at the code, interpret...
z2lai profile image
z2lai • Edited

Very well explained context ;), and the examples and diagrams were clear and concise.

A lot of other explanations out there talk about how the code variables and functions are moved up the stack before execution without clearly talking about the creation and execution phases in the execution context.

That was literally what I had in mind when I wanted to write an article about hoisting, but I'm so glad I don't have to now because you've already done so better than I ever could have.

skaytech profile image

Oh my god! Thank you means a lot :-) Do checkout my other post regarding 'Understanding Closures'. I've just taken the same explanation forward and added functional execution context and explained further. I'm hoping you'll ike that one too.

z2lai profile image

Wow, execution context, lexical scope and closures were the biggest topics I wanted to write about. It's like you've made my dreams into a reality. Thank you lol! I'll be sure to check it out later and save these two articles for whenever I need a resource to refer somebody else to. I believe that many new Javascript developers don't have a solid grasp on these fundamentals because they learn them without really understanding the "context" of what's going on under the hood (of the Javascript engine) ;). So your articles are gold!

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skaytech profile image

Thank you so much! Much appreciated 👍 I'm writing one more next week on 'this', 'bind', 'call'. I'm just ensuring I'm reading up first and understand them before writing them up. So, stay tuned!!

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z2lai profile image

Ah yes, 'this', how could I have forgotten about that! My understanding of the 'this' object is that it's set based on the call-site of the function and falls under one of 4 rules: default binding, implicit binding, explicit binding, and "new"/constructor binding. It could also fall under more than one rule, then the order of precedence will apply. Learnt that from YDKJS.

And it might be good to provide some background by comparing 'this' between different programming languages:

In languages like Ruby or Java, this (or in case of Ruby self) will always point to the object in which your method is defined. So in Ruby if you are working on the foo method inside the Bar class, self will always point to the object which is the instance of the Bar class.
JavaScript works quite surprisingly here. Because in JavaScript function context is defined while calling the function, not while defining it! This is what can surprise many when coming to JS from different fields. Such late binding is a powerful mechanism which allows us to re-use loosely coupled functions in variety of contexts.

Looking forward to your article!

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skaytech profile image

Wow! That's well written :-) I'm from a Java background. For a long time, I detested learning JS primarily because I felt the language had too many loopholes and Typescript was sorta the answer to most of the language goofups that happened. Also, I would say until I moved to mgmt I viewed one language as a holy grail of things. But when I did become an engineering manager, I could see things in a much broader perspective. I understood that technology is an enabler for solving business problems and each piece of tech has their own set of strengths and weakness. It is for important for us to understand them and choose them wisely for the use case that needs to be solved. Unfortunately, I realised this almost a decade later. I cringe especially when people over-engineer things for the sake of learning new technologies. For e.g. I've seen several architects directly pitch in Kafka for a simple messaging system which even an Active MQ would suffice. The worst part is that they justify the decision by throwing the word scalability in the mix. Sorry for digressing. It is good to enjoy a good conversation after a long time. Thank you for your comments.I enjoyed reading them.

attraverso_dev profile image

Thank you for writing this. As you said, there is no one else that I've seen who talks about the different phases of the execution context, and that helped a lot.

One thing, though. I was thrown off by the fruit/color example as the output in the snippet doesn't seem to match the description you give of it. The output in the snippet returns the complete sentences, like the variables fruit and color were actually read, while instead the description says the output will return undefined as value of those same variables.

Am I missing something crucial?

skaytech profile image
skaytech • Edited

Hello there,

Apologies! My bad on the incorrect output in the code section. I usually code in the editor and ensure the output is valid. But, in this case, I added console.log in the end and wanted to showcase before and after and later changed my script in the main article, but forgot to update it in the code portion of the article.

I have now updated it to reflect the correct output.

I'm surprised how this wasn't brought to my notice earlier. Kudos to you! I'm glad that folks are actually reading my articles. (even the code sections) I'll ensure that I verify the next time I post an article.

Thank you once again. I'm going to extend the concepts and also explain Closures which is another famous interview question as well as something often confused with. Hoping to publish it by end of the day. Stay tuned!

attraverso_dev profile image

Thank you for taking the time to read the comment and review your article! I'll be looking forward to your next posts!

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ • Edited

This is indeed a very clear description - I would say though that definitions of a let or const are hoisted, but are not allowed to be accessed for read or write before first definition. This is a subtle difference ofc.

function someFunction() {
     function innerFunctionThatMakesAClosure() {
         return value;
    let value = 1000;
    return innerFunctionThatMakesAClosure;
console.log(someFunction()()); // -> 1000
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The definition was hoisted to create the closure, as the inner function appears lexically before the declaration of the variable.

z2lai profile image
z2lai • Edited

Very good point Mike, but I think some terminology needs to be clarified. Variable declarations (variable name bindings to memory) with let and const are hoisted, not their definitions (i.e. function definitions). But they cannot be accessed for read/write before their first assignment (initialization).

The provided example is pretty neat, here's a more basic example without closures:

console.log(randomVar); // console will return Uncaught ReferenceError: randomVar is not defined
console.log(hoistedVar); // console will return Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'hoistedVar' before initialization
function log() {
  console.log(hoistedVar); // console will not return any error as this line isn't actually executed yet, so hoistedVar is not being accessed
log(); // console will return Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'hoistedVar' before initialization
let hoistedVar = "Hi"; // hoistedVar is initialized here
log(); // console will log "Hi"

Note that the ReferenceError from trying to access the hoisted "let" variable declaration is different than the ReferenceError from trying to access a variable that has not been declared at all.

So to reiterate the original point made, all variable declarations are hoisted, but let and const variable declarations will give a ReferenceError if the variable is accessed before being initialized.

skaytech profile image

Yes. Agreed. This was also mentioned previously by Mike in the comment below. I'll update the article with this comment.

skaytech profile image

Thanks for the clarification Mike!! Glad you liked the explanation.

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

It's a really nice article :)

kshitij profile image
Kshitij Srivastava

Great article. True, most js devs are aware of hoisting but not the reason behind it.
Btw did you mean "do share it with your friends" ? Because I was totally going to 🙂

skaytech profile image

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed check out the other ones. Especially, the history of ECMAScript. That one is probably my favorite, since many of them don't know about how it evolved.

kshitij profile image
Kshitij Srivastava

Sure will 👍

vipul2008 profile image
Vipul Goel

Nice article.

djuric profile image
Žarko Đurić

I definitely won't share this with friends

skaytech profile image

Hahahahahaha! Well, it's your choice :-) But, I love your sarcasm. Have a nice weekend my friend :-)

djuric profile image
Žarko Đurić

Just following recommendations from the bottom of the article xD Have a great weekend too!

manendrabhel profile image
Manendra Verma

Nice article :)