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Discussion on: I am Tomasz Łakomy, Senior Frontend Engineer @ OLX Group, tech speaker, and instructor, Ask Me Anything!

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Kevin Silvestre

Hi, thank you for offering to answer questions to less experienced developers like me. I went to school for design but as soon as I graduated I decided to switch careers to tech and right now I am undergoing an intensive web development bootcamp online. You know one of those with the "get a job or pay no tuition tag". Anyways, I been at it since April last year. I feel like I could be hired , I know HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, LESS, REACT, REDUX, NODE.JS and Express, Sql but the curriculum has computer science stuff , C , python and other sections I haven't gotten to. I am excited for when I start looking for a job but I don't know what kind of projects to build for my portfolio and also would like a job where maybe my designs skills are at least useful maybe UI developer I was thinking ? but for my first job I don't wanna be picky. I work in Customer Service serving coffee and it frustrates me that I have an education and still can't get a good job. Any tips to get started as a Junior Front End developer? If you were to hired one? What kind of expectations would you have for me skills wise?