Hey there today I am sharing how I created boosted notes in mobile only.
Sharing topics
- Apps to use ( @apps-to-use )
- Console for mobile
- Hosting via mobiles (in next blog)
Apps to use
There are many code editors on mobile I'll share two of them.
- Treb edit
Teb edit is best app to use for web development on mobile. PROS:- Better syntax highlight Better app experience JavaScript console CONS:- No local server
- Spck
Spck is better to use if you are working with git. PROS:- Support git Zip file extraction Intellisense Local server support CONS:- No better responsiveness.
console in mobile
You can use eruda console which is very simple to use in mobile.
Let's try it
First open any website on you browser(you've already opened this page) - Enter following code in address bar
javascript:(function () { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/eruda"; document.body.appendChild(script); script.onload = function () { eruda.init() } })();
Top comments (12)
If you're gana develop on mobile, I highly recommend UserLAnd. It allows you to run virtual Linux distros, and even comes with Git and a bunch of other programs build in. Just start up your preferred distribution, then you can install a text editor like vim on it, and then node and npm. It's basically the whole package - https://www.google.com/search?q=userland&oq=userLa&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512l6j0i10i512j0i512.4696j0j7&client=ms-android-blu-rev2&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
Thanks for information
Thanks ,
Nice post
i have already used all of them 😅
btw you forgot termux
Treb Edit was referred by you to me.
but now i switched to SPCK Editor
In my mobile spck is not working properly
When I open sidebar the glitch occurs (the entire screen become black)
tried updating or reinstalling it?
I've installed 2 times both the time glitch occurred.
Acode is better than treb edit.
This prefix can be use for getting source code of any web page in chrome.
Example - view-source:url
Thanks for information
Also check my portfolio.