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Shrihari Haridass
Shrihari Haridass

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"AWS ReInvent 2023: Dr. Werner Vogels on Frugal Architecture & AWS's Latest Reveals!"

"Hello, everyone! 🌟

I trust you're tuned into AWS re:Invent 2023, catching the latest and most exciting announcements from AWS. Today, I caught up with the 4th-day keynote session by Dr. Werner Vogels, VP & CTO of In this blog, I'll be focusing on the key principles of the

Frugal Architect

and sharing some of the thrilling announcements made by AWS.

πŸš€Stay tuned for a concise insight into today's keynote session!"

3 Pillars of "Frugal Architect"

1. -> 🎨 Design,
2. -> πŸ“ Measure,
3. -> πŸ”„ Optimize.
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1. Design

Cost is a Non-Functional Requirement πŸ’°

Consider Cost at every step

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Systems that last align cost to business πŸ’Ό

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So, Align Cost and revenue seamlessly.

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Harmonize your business decisions with technology choices for success

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We had to repay our debt

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Build evolvable architecture πŸ—οΈ - As your architecture evolves over time, ensure it can adapt seamlessly without impacting your customers. πŸ”„πŸŒ

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Architecture is a series of Trade-offs βš–οΈ

Navigating a series of trade-offs, finding the delicate balance between non-functional and functional requirements as a designer.

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You have to truly figure out and think about measurements and observability. Work with your business to align your priorities, and the only way to do that is to really understand them. πŸ“ŠπŸ€

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2. Measure

Now, there are three laws considered in the design phase. Continuously understanding where your costs will trend over time is essential. πŸ“‰πŸ’‘

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Unobserved systems lead to unknown costs. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’Έ

You need to make sure, first of all, that you understand what you’re measuring, and how that measurement can change behavior.

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Define your meter: If you continue to monitor this meter, it will change behavior. Ensure your meter includes both cost and sustainability.

Cost-aware architecture implements cost controls. πŸ’°πŸ›οΈ

Now, you can't just rely on good intentions. You need to put mechanisms in place and have them at your fingertips as you build.

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You have to give control to your customers. Whether it's a different type of resilience or the ability to switch off, throttle, or adjust preferences, ensure all these pieces are controllable. For instance, we search for likely products, prefetch them for speed, but you can decide to turn that off for fewer details. All these knobs and controls are for the business. πŸŽ›οΈπŸ”„πŸ› οΈ

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3. Optimize

Cost optimization is incremental. πŸ“ˆπŸ’°

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Unchallenged successes lead to assumptions. πŸ€”πŸš¦

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You have to keep in mind that development is often expensive, but compare the cost of building doors to the cost of operating your application. It's something you have to consider in the way you build your applications and the platform you use. The programming language issue should be continuously under security scrutiny, ensuring you're picking the right one.

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Announcement πŸ“’


Introducing a next-level feature that provides unparalleled visibility into cost, health, security, and performance per application. Stay tuned for a game-changing AWS experience! πŸš€πŸ’»πŸ’‘

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CloudWatch Application Signals

As such it will automatically instrument the EKS application that you’re building. so that you can have one single dashboard immediately looking at all the metrics that are relevant to your EKS application

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SageMaker Studio Code Editor

the open source version of VS code and allows you to actually within SageMaker studio work in the environment that is already familiar to you which is VS Code

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Amazon Q

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AWS Application Composer in VS Code

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Amazon Inspector CI/CD Container Scanning

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*Conclusion *

Dr. Werner Vogels emphasized the incremental nature of cost optimization and the dangers of unchallenged successes leading to assumptions. He stressed the importance of giving customers control, defining meters with a focus on cost and sustainability. The announcement of automatic instrumentation for EKS applications highlights AWS's commitment to providing users with streamlined visibility and control. Overall, the keynote underlines the dynamic nature of cloud architecture and the ongoing efforts required for effective cost management in the evolving cloud landscape.

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