DEV Community

Sherry Day
Sherry Day

Posted on

What are you currently working on? What's the most interesting part?

Oldest comments (21)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

As for direct software work, I'm working on some continued enhancements to our spam detection for DEV and other Forems, it's fun work with lots of new technology to explore!

peteole profile image
Ole Petersen

Cool! What are you using there?

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

Going all-in on learning a new stack and building a fantasy f1 game
T3 app with ...
Prisma ORM
Tailwind css

My usual stack is
Vue 3 (JS not TS)
Python serverless functions
Bootstrap or Vuetify (material design)

Most interesting part is probably using tRPC for shared typesafe models across front and backend

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

Being a team lead on part of a project that uses all my front end web skills, and:

  • Doesn't run in a web browser
  • Makes no HTTP requests other than loading local resources (doesn't even require an internet connection)
  • Allows me to be super creative
  • Throws up many totally new and interesting challenges
  • Has made my development career fun again!
leonbeau profile image
Leon Huang

a Sass sofeware like jira, using Angular and RxJS to build it

clay profile image
Clay Ferguson

I'm working on Quanta, and the interesting part is the Quantization. :)

Learn What Quantization Is...

nilansaha profile image
Nilan Saha

I am working on a website for landing page inspiration called
Its been going pretty well and I had 10,000 unique users last month. I am learning a lot around marketing so thats pretty cool.

hussam22 profile image

Nice webstie, keep it going 👍

corners2wall profile image
Corners 2 Wall

I am working on myself.
My daily routine:

  1. Wake up
  2. Breakfast
  3. Nothing to do

Third point most difficult, but I try change them. I wanna do app with tinder api. Back, ui all inclusive

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

I'm trying to get out of the writer block

kayis profile image

I'm trying to build a decentalized encrypted image uploader.

The interesting part is making it available for people who don't have a crypto wallet.

Right now I'm trying to integrate the authentication service with the encryption service, but they have a bit different opinions on how things should be done :D

christopherkade profile image
Christopher Kade

We just pushed to production a huge rework of one of the most visited pages of our website, exciting times ! So right now I'm in damage control mode & implementing new features :)

fish1 profile image
Jacob Enders

Rebuilding my original PHP / Vanilla javascript application ( in SVELTE.

The most interesting part about it, is how much bad code I wrote 4 years ago as a newbie. And how simple & small the project actually is when using a modern framework.

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

Personally I'm working in an electron app to visualize / edit sqlite databases. It's interesting to learn more in-depth the innerworks of SQLite and how to better structure a event driven communication between main and renderer procesees. Been using React , MUI and the Monaco editor.

Hopefully will have an alpha soon. 😁

zackuknow profile image

I am working on a website for software recommendation & marketplace it's called

Its only a week old i'm getting around 50 unique users per day. I'm also learning a lot about marketing so thats good.

dawosch profile image

I‘m working on a home automation system written in Typescript.
I’m using HomeAssistant right now, but it’s to heavy for my needs

jhvanderschee profile image
Joost van der Schee

I am working on a project enabling people to build full websites in just two files without leaving their browser (on Github). I even created a website for it: