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At the beginning of the last week I finished up a few of my larger assignments for other courses and began to really take a better look at the issues that were open to choose from when it came to Hacktoberfest. I and my class mates have been tasked by our open source development teacher to create 4 PRs to be accepted into Hacktoberfest, each one of an increasing complexity/difficulty.

Issue hunting

At first glance I was pleasantly surprised at how many issues seemed to be opened, but once I took a slightly closer look I realized the vast majority of open issues that I would feel comfortable contributing to were already taken by somebody else. In fact it seemed like for the first 80 pages of Hacktoberfest issues with the "good first issue" tag all of the ones I felt I could work on were already spoken for by somebody else! I even changed the way that I filtered my issue search several times, eventually opting to permanently drop the "good first issue" tag in an attempt to further expand the pool of possible repositories to contribute to.

This is a feeling I still have now as I look through repositories, I have come to realize that the majority of my time working on this challenge will not be spent solving problems but rather finding problems that I can solve.

My First Issue

In any case, I eventually came across a repository that I thought would make for a good first PR to test the waters and at least get started. There is a repository called the Clueless-Community Web-UI-Kit where a community of young devs have taken it upon themselves to create a beginner friendly project for anyone to contribute some HTML/Tailwind CSS components according to some guidelines specified in a given issue.

One of their open issues at the time of my coming across their repository was that of creating a Tutorial Markdown where there would be links to helpful starting point for learning HTML, CSS and how to work with git. I chose to take on this issue and I drafted a Tutorial MarkDown of my own.


After creating my first Hacktoberfest PR one of the project maintainers told me to add a few more images for a bit of a nicer visual presentation, after I did it was accepted and is now used as a page to help new developers when getting started on contributing to the repository.

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