DEV Community

Seth Phat
Seth Phat

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πŸ“ƒ 😎 DocKing: manage document templates & render PDFs microservice

DocKing's Logo

DocKing is a document management service/microservice that handles templates and renders them in PDF format, all in one place.

You can utilize DocKing as a shared microservice, which can be integrated & used in any services from your big product.

DocKing is well-tested & production-ready πŸ˜‰πŸŽοΈπŸš€


Features πŸš€

  • Manage your document templates πŸ“°πŸ§Ύ.
  • Render HTML based on your desired data for a specific template, then export it as PDF πŸƒβ€.
  • Supports multiple state-of-the-art PDF Engines 🍻.
  • Webhook notification after PDF rendered (for async flow) πŸš€
  • Built-in UI-console to manage the templates & files (for internal use) πŸ”‹.
  • DocKing can perfectly fit for the horizontal scaling based on your needs πŸ˜‰.

Diagram of how it works

DocKing's Diagram

From the diagram above, DocKing is standing as a "shared-microservice".

  • Billing Service can manage their bill templates and render the PDFs.
  • Order Service can manage their order templates and render the PDFs.
  • Contract Service can manage their contract templates and render the PDFs.
  • ...

Give it a ⭐️⭐️⭐️ if it's helpful, many thanks πŸ₯Ή

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