About this time last year, we had to use a maze solving algorithm for one of the puzzles. Today's puzzle was of a similar difficulty. Part 1 wasn't all that bad. It was a little tedious, but relatively straightforward to just follow the pipes until they reached back to the start.
Part 2 involves figuring out if a point is inside out outside the loop. I used the ray casting method to count how many times a line from a given point to the edge crosses the boundary. The tricky bit here was that the ray is likely to sit directly on a boundary. Depending on if the loop bends back on itself or in the other direction, we need to determine if there is actually a crossing.
My solution isn't elegant, but it got the job done in the end. Note the two hard-coded values of the start and next pipe that I determined just by examining the input.
input = File.read("input").strip
alias Pipes = Hash(Tuple(Int32, Int32), Char)
pipes = input
.map_with_index { |line, row| {line, row} }
.reduce(Pipes.new) do |lines, (line, row)|
.map_with_index { |pipe, col| {pipe, col} }
.reduce(Pipes.new) do |pipes, (pipe, col)|
pipes.merge({ {row, col} => pipe })
Start = {75, 53}
Second = {75, 54}
def next_pipe(from_pos, current_pos, current_pipe)
row = current_pos[0]
col = current_pos[1]
case {from_pos[0] - row, from_pos[1] - col, current_pipe}
when {-1, 0, "L"} then {row, col + 1}
when {-1, 0, "|"} then {row + 1, col}
when {-1, 0, "J"} then {row, col - 1}
when {0, 1, "F"} then {row + 1, col}
when {0, 1, "-"} then {row, col - 1}
when {0, 1, "L"} then {row - 1, col}
when {1, 0, "7"} then {row, col - 1}
when {1, 0, "|"} then {row - 1, col}
when {1, 0, "F"} then {row, col + 1}
when {0, -1, "J"} then {row - 1, col}
when {0, -1, "-"} then {row, col + 1}
when {0, -1, "7"} then {row + 1, col}
else {row, col}
boundary = begin
from = Start
current = Second
boundary_set = Set.new([from, current])
while pipes[current] != "S"
next_pipe = next_pipe(from, current, pipes[current])
from = current
current = next_pipe
part1 = boundary.size // 2
puts part1
part2 = pipes.keys.reduce(0) do |sum, (row, col)|
intersections = 0
bend = ""
(0..col).each do |y|
point = {row, y}
if boundary.includes?(point)
case pipes[point]
when "|"
intersections += 1
when "F", "L"
bend = pipes[point]
when "J"
intersections += 1 if bend == "F"
bend = ""
when "7"
intersections += 1 if bend == "L"
bend = ""
if !boundary.includes?({row, col}) && intersections % 2 == 1
sum + 1
puts part2
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