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Arseny Zinchenko

DevOps, cloud and infrastructure engineer. Love Linux, OpenSource, and AWS.

Location Kiev, Ukraine Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website
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Terraform: EKS and Karpenter — upgrade the module version from 19.21 to 20.0

Terraform: EKS and Karpenter — upgrade the module version from 19.21 to 20.0

20 min read

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AWS: Kubernetes and Access Management API, the new authentication in EKS

AWS: Kubernetes and Access Management API, the new authentication in EKS

Comments 1
11 min read
AWS: RDS IAM database authentication, EKS Pod Identities, and Terraform

AWS: RDS IAM database authentication, EKS Pod Identities, and Terraform

12 min read
AWS: Cost optimization — an overview of Bills, Cost Explorer, and the costs control

AWS: Cost optimization — an overview of Bills, Cost Explorer, and the costs control

6 min read
Kubernetes: containers, and the “lost” SIGTERM signals

Kubernetes: containers, and the “lost” SIGTERM signals

12 min read
Kubernetes: monitoring Events with kubectl and Grafana Loki

Kubernetes: monitoring Events with kubectl and Grafana Loki

3 min read
Pritunl: launching a VPN in AWS on EC2 with Terraform

Pritunl: launching a VPN in AWS on EC2 with Terraform

12 min read
AWS: Karpenter and SSH for Kubernetes WorkerNodes

AWS: Karpenter and SSH for Kubernetes WorkerNodes

10 min read
Renovate: GitHub, and Helm Charts versions management

Renovate: GitHub, and Helm Charts versions management

4 min read
Dependabot: GitHub, and Terraform versions management

Dependabot: GitHub, and Terraform versions management

5 min read
AWS: VPC Flow Logs, NAT Gateways, and Kubernetes Pods -  a detailed overview

AWS: VPC Flow Logs, NAT Gateways, and Kubernetes Pods -  a detailed overview

17 min read
GitHub Actions: Terraform deployments with a review of planned changes

GitHub Actions: Terraform deployments with a review of planned changes

16 min read
Kubernetes: tracing requests with AWS X-Ray, and Grafana data source

Kubernetes: tracing requests with AWS X-Ray, and Grafana data source

7 min read
AWS: VPC Prefix and the maximum of Pods on Kubernetes WorkerNodes

AWS: VPC Prefix and the maximum of Pods on Kubernetes WorkerNodes

9 min read
Terraform: creating a module for collecting AWS ALB logs in Grafana Loki

Terraform: creating a module for collecting AWS ALB logs in Grafana Loki

11 min read
Grafana Loki: LogQL and Recording Rules for metrics from AWS Load Balancer logs

Grafana Loki: LogQL and Recording Rules for metrics from AWS Load Balancer logs

21 min read
Karpenter: its monitoring, and Grafana dashboard for Kubernetes WorkerNodes

Karpenter: its monitoring, and Grafana dashboard for Kubernetes WorkerNodes

14 min read
AWS: EKS Pod Identities — a replacement for IRSA? Simplifying IAM access management

AWS: EKS Pod Identities — a replacement for IRSA? Simplifying IAM access management

5 min read
AWS: CloudWatch — Multi source query: collecting metrics from an external Prometheus

AWS: CloudWatch — Multi source query: collecting metrics from an external Prometheus

3 min read
AWS: Amazon Q — an overview, features, and first impressions

AWS: Amazon Q — an overview, features, and first impressions

9 min read
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: RBAC Authorization via AWS IAM and RBAC Groups

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: RBAC Authorization via AWS IAM and RBAC Groups

12 min read
Grafana Loki: collecting AWS LoadBalancer logs from S3 with Promtail Lambda

Grafana Loki: collecting AWS LoadBalancer logs from S3 with Promtail Lambda

6 min read
Kubernetes: ensuring High Availability for Pods

Kubernetes: ensuring High Availability for Pods

6 min read
Kubernetes: Liveness and Readiness Probes — Best practices

Kubernetes: Liveness and Readiness Probes — Best practices

5 min read
VictoriaMetrics: pushing metrics without Prometheus Pushgateway

VictoriaMetrics: pushing metrics without Prometheus Pushgateway

4 min read
Karpenter: the Beta version — an overview of changes, and upgrade from v0.30.0 to v0.32.1

Karpenter: the Beta version — an overview of changes, and upgrade from v0.30.0 to v0.32.1

16 min read
GitHub Actions: Docker build to AWS ECR and Helm chart deployment to AWS EKS

GitHub Actions: Docker build to AWS ECR and Helm chart deployment to AWS EKS

21 min read
Terraform: terraform_remote_state  —  getting Outputs from other state-files

Terraform: terraform_remote_state  —  getting Outputs from other state-files

2 min read
Terraform: building EKS, part 4 - installing controllers

Terraform: building EKS, part 4 - installing controllers

16 min read
Terraform: building EKS, part 3 - Karpenter installation

Terraform: building EKS, part 3 - Karpenter installation

11 min read
Terraform: Building EKS, part 2 - an EKS cluster, WorkerNodes, and IAM

Terraform: Building EKS, part 2 - an EKS cluster, WorkerNodes, and IAM

10 min read
Terraform: Building EKS, part 1 - VPC, Subnets and Endpoints

Terraform: Building EKS, part 1 - VPC, Subnets and Endpoints

14 min read
Terraform: count, for_each, and for loops

Terraform: count, for_each, and for loops

7 min read
Terraform: introduction to primitives and complex data types

Terraform: introduction to primitives and complex data types

5 min read
Terraform: dynamic remote state with AWS S3 and multiple environments by directory

Terraform: dynamic remote state with AWS S3 and multiple environments by directory

8 min read
Terraform: remote state with AWS S3, and state locking with DynamoDB

Terraform: remote state with AWS S3, and state locking with DynamoDB

7 min read
VictoriaMetrics: VMAuth — Proxy, Authentication, and Authorization

VictoriaMetrics: VMAuth — Proxy, Authentication, and Authorization

7 min read
AWS: Getting started with Karpenter for autoscaling in EKS, and its installation with Helm

AWS: Getting started with Karpenter for autoscaling in EKS, and its installation with Helm

12 min read
Kubernetes: Pods and WorkerNodes — control the placement of the Pods on the Nodes

Kubernetes: Pods and WorkerNodes — control the placement of the Pods on the Nodes

11 min read
Grafana: values from records in Loki logs, and dual-Y-axes panels in Grafana

Grafana: values from records in Loki logs, and dual-Y-axes panels in Grafana

5 min read
Grafana Loki: performance optimization with Recording Rules, caching, and parallel queries

Grafana Loki: performance optimization with Recording Rules, caching, and parallel queries

11 min read
AWS: Grafana Loki, InterZone traffic in AWS, and Kubernetes nodeAffinity

AWS: Grafana Loki, InterZone traffic in AWS, and Kubernetes nodeAffinity

9 min read
AWS: CDK and Python -  installing EBS CSI driver Add-On on EKS

AWS: CDK and Python -  installing EBS CSI driver Add-On on EKS

3 min read
AWS: Kubernetes  -  AWS Secrets Manager and Parameter Store integration

AWS: Kubernetes  -  AWS Secrets Manager and Parameter Store integration

10 min read
AWS: CDK and Python  -  configure an IAM OIDC Provider, and install Kubernetes Controllers

AWS: CDK and Python  -  configure an IAM OIDC Provider, and install Kubernetes Controllers

11 min read
AWS: CDK and Python -  building an EKS cluster, and general impressions of CDK

AWS: CDK and Python -  building an EKS cluster, and general impressions of CDK

16 min read
AWS: EKS, OpenID Connect, and ServiceAccounts

AWS: EKS, OpenID Connect, and ServiceAccounts

15 min read
VictoriaMetrics: an overview and its use instead of Prometheus

VictoriaMetrics: an overview and its use instead of Prometheus

Comments 1
11 min read
Prometheus: GitHub Exporter — creating own exporter for GitHub API

Prometheus: GitHub Exporter — creating own exporter for GitHub API

9 min read
Loki: collecting logs from CloudWatch Logs using Lambda Promtail

Loki: collecting logs from CloudWatch Logs using Lambda Promtail

6 min read
Terraform: planning a new project with Dev/Prod environments

Terraform: planning a new project with Dev/Prod environments

11 min read
AWS: CDK — an onverview and Python examples

AWS: CDK — an onverview and Python examples

13 min read
AWS: Fargate — capabilities, comparison with Lambda/EC2 and usage with AWS EKS

AWS: Fargate — capabilities, comparison with Lambda/EC2 and usage with AWS EKS

13 min read
Kubernetes: vertical Pods scaling with Vertical Pod Autoscaler

Kubernetes: vertical Pods scaling with Vertical Pod Autoscaler

Comments 3
8 min read
Prometheus: running Pushgateway on Kubernetes with Helm and Terraform

Prometheus: running Pushgateway on Kubernetes with Helm and Terraform

5 min read
Knative: Serverless for Kubernetes — an overview and launch in Minikube

Knative: Serverless for Kubernetes — an overview and launch in Minikube

19 min read
Prometheus: Building a Custom Prometheus Exporter in Python

Prometheus: Building a Custom Prometheus Exporter in Python

7 min read
GitLab: Components, Architecture, Infrastructure, and Launching from the Helm Chart in Minikube

GitLab: Components, Architecture, Infrastructure, and Launching from the Helm Chart in Minikube

9 min read
Kubernetes: Cluster Cost Monitoring — Kubernetes Resource Report and Kubecost

Kubernetes: Cluster Cost Monitoring — Kubernetes Resource Report and Kubecost

11 min read
Kustomize: managing Kubernetes manifests — an overview, and examples

Kustomize: managing Kubernetes manifests — an overview, and examples

8 min read