It occurred to me that there is good material in git for jokes.
So I’ve decided to git good and commit to pushing this thread until it becomes the base for my repository of bad puns.
So share with me your stash of unstaged jokes will you?
I promise I won’t be cherry-picky!
Oldest comments (6)
Take a look at the Urban Dictionary's definition of the word Git. That should also add some good material.
I believe I heard Linus in an interview actually saying that’s why its called git.
Because it’s like and old angry man. :)
I haven’t committed to this yet, but here’s a terrible pun.
Old git’s, only P’ in VPN.
Or how about this one.
How do you stop using VPN?
You start using a git patches.
In git you have to rebase to stay ahead.
If git is like time travel, and Rick and morty is based on back to the future, then maybe Linus is the Rick of our reality.
Tatas are real.
I'm not trying to be pushy, but they really need to make an option to let a commit automatically appear on origin.