DEV Community

Nenavath Santhosh
Nenavath Santhosh

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Get Personalized tasks extracted, and sent to you, from your meeting room!

This is a submission for the Twilio Challenge

What I Built

Get Personalized tasks extracted, and sent to you, from your meeting room! Using meeting transcripts


App homepage where you can paste the meet transcript in provided text box

once you click the Get Detailed Task button, you'll get a mail/Whatsapp msg

Whatsapp message regarding your summary/tasks

Twilio and AI

Daily scrum calls often involve lengthy discussions (over 30 minutes) about task allocation. Assigning priorities after each meeting can be time-consuming, especially with tight deadlines. This use case tackles this inefficiency. By leveraging Gemini and meeting transcripts, it automatically generates detailed tasks and sends them to team members via email or SMS (using Twilio). Functioning as a productivity tool, this approach can save Team Leads and Business Analysts at least 30 minutes per meeting. I(@santhosh_0484000) built the use case and posted it to the code exchange as well

Additional Prize Categories

Twilio Times Two, Impactful Innovators, Entertaining Endeavors

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