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Stop Procrastination !

How To Stop Procrastination As A Developer:

Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute, or past their deadlin. we all do procrastination. I learn few useful tips to stop doing Procrastination whch are very useful in all fields. Here are the most common steps I do to do my tasks on time:

  1. Make goals - break down your tasks in small sections
  2. Thing about the reward as a great motivation factor
  3. Aviod distraction - one common example is mobile orsocial media
  4. keep the task small with certain breaks
  5. Be deliberate with your study environment
  6. Understand your personalit and work according to it

Procrastination reduce your productivity level and effect your growth in the career. Its better to take steps to stop doing pocrastination. It will bosst your confidence, level of learning and make you feel less stressed.

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