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Samwel Njihia
Samwel Njihia

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Python for Everyone: Mastering Python the right way

Are you new to the Python programming language? Are you at an advanced level?. Whatever level you are, this article is crucial as it will act as a guidance and as a reference in your Python programming journey. This article discusses the learning pathway which results in mastering Python the right way.

The learning Pathways

This section discusses the Python Learning Pathways, which will result in mastering Python the right way. What is the path from beginner to advanced, and the careers options are available in Python.

1. Learning Python Fundamentals

As with any other language such as Java, one needs to start from the basics concepts from the simple project setup and syntax. Learn also the python PEP 8 conventions and have the basic knowledge of how to use Python. You will start by exploring variables, expressions, operators, conditional loops, and functions (You can get all these concept here with examples Python 101: Ultimate Python Guide or Introduction to Modern Python )
Also, learn python data structures, i.e., the python in-built and user-defined data structure; moreover, learning algorithms in Python. All these concepts about data structure and algorithms with examples are discussed here in this article: Python 102: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms With Python. ). After mastering the basic python fundamentals, one should start practicing with some mini projects to apply the basic fundamentals concepts learned.

2. Become Advanced in Python.

Here you will add more advanced concepts to your python knowledge by learning how Python interacts with web Data, i.e., web scrapping, how to use Python for Object-Oriented Programming (Classes, Inheritance, Data Abstraction, and Encapsulation are the main concepts covered here). Final but not list concept to be covered here is integrating Python with databases( SQL Databases, No-SQL Databases, and APIs).

3. Focus on Career pathway

After covering the two above and being advanced in Python, it is time to focus and explore the career pathway. This will involve focusing and studying the Python Libraries and Frameworks that are specific to certain career paths. This section will discuss the common pathways for Python developers and their related libraries or frameworks.

a). Web Development

Python offers a wide range of frameworks for web development. These framework include Flask, CherryPy, Pyramid, Django and web2py.

b). Data Science

This will involve learning data Sourcing, Data Analysis, and Machine Learning with Python. Libraries that one can learn for this are: Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, SciPy, and SciKit Learn for ML, among others.

c). Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

AI is a popular career path that keeps gaining popularity in the current world. The top libraries that one can learn are :SciKit Learn, Tensorflow, Keras, Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), PyTorch, Theano, etc.

d). Graphical User Interface (GUI) Programming

This involves creating of graphical application using Python. Some of the libraries to learn are: kinter, wxPython, PyQT, Kivy etc.

Game Development

Game development is an interesting to explore.One needs to learn PyGame library for game development in python.


In conclusion Python is among the top programming language that is is in demand in the current market. One should spare some time and learn this language. The following are a suggestions of various projects that one can try to develop at different levels. Please drop some more suggestions of various projects in comment section:

projects sample

Top comments (2)

brayan_kai profile image
Brayan Kai

Great article 👌 , Keep the good work up 👏👏

samgnjihia profile image
Samwel Njihia

Thank you