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Samantha Bretous
Samantha Bretous

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How to be a successful developer without building a Web Portfolio

Is a resume or portfolio better for jobseekers?

LinkedIn and your resume are great resources to have, but they really only focus on your work experience. If you're early in your career, hate to break it to you but you're not going to have that much work experience. On average, a corporate company will receive 250 resumes per job posting, and only at small percentage applicants will actually get the interview. And with companies only taking about 10 candidates per position, that's only 5% of applicants will get an interview, 5%! With so much competition, you have to stand out.

A resume is a document that outlines your qualifications for employment. This document includes your education, work experience, and skills. It is typically submitted when applying for jobs. Your resume should be tailored to each job you apply for, highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

On the other hand, a portfolio is a collection of work that you have done over a period of time. It is where an individual can showcase their work as well as a way to market oneself and to attract potential employers or clients. Portfolios can be either digital or physical. It can be a website, blog, or even a printed book — The important thing is that it contains a collection of an individual's best work.

Both can be used to show your qualifications for a job. However, a portfolio and a resume are two very different things. The portfolio is a collection of your best work and it is what you show to prospective employers to prove that you have the skills and experience to do the job. While a resume is a summary of your work history and it is what you use to apply for jobs. So, can a resume replace a portfolio? While they are both equally important tools in your job search arsenal — No, a resume cannot replace portfolio. In most cases, portfolio may be a better way to showcase your qualifications than a resume.

How a Portfolio Can Help You Advance in Your Career

Having a portfolio provides you the opportunity to show potential employers a full walkthrough of your projects, as well as show them who we are as people, what we're passionate about — and just a whole bunch of awesomeness. In other words, a portfolio is a way to sell yourself and your talents. It can also help you stand out from the crowd and help you get the job or internship you want, and advance in your career.

There are many benefits to having a portfolio, including:

  • Showcasing your skills and abilities: A portfolio allows you to showcase your skills and abilities to potential employers in a professional way.
  • Demonstrating your commitment to your career: A portfolio demonstrates your commitment to your career and can help you stand out from other job applicants.
  • Self assessment tool: While portfolio can be a record of achievement, it serve as self-reflection and growth. Allows an individual to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

I’m a developer, but why don’t I have a developer portfolio website?

Let me break it down for you. I have seen so many entry level developers spend countless hours building out their website instead of actually working on side projects. And it hurts me. because I did the same thing when I was trying to break into tech. I can't let the cycle keep happening.

Your portfolio website is supposed to be a representation of who you are. Apparently, when I was building out my portfolio website, I learned that I was pretty indecisive. I kept changing the colors, the layout, the technology I was using. Instead, I could have been using that time to build something more useful.

Imagine this: You're killing it in the job search and you finally make it to the onsite.

One thing I can guarantee is that you're not gonna be talking to your interviewer about how you built your website. Nobody has time for that! So why are you spending so much time building out your portfolio website? Have you heard the saying “It's not on the outside but the inside that counts”? You can apply the same logic to your portfolio. The content and the projects that you are working on is where you need to focus and spend most of our time.

Tips to create a developer portfolio in no time

Stop spending countless hours perfecting your portfolio site and stop changing the font. Honestly, just stop playing yourself. There are so many great tools and resources you can use to create a great portfolio website. If you want to build an awesome website but you're not great in design, no problem. There are tons of free templates that you can use.

How to Find the Perfect Portfolio Template for You

A website template is a pre-designed resource that shows the structure for a website. Website templates can be used to create websites of any size and complexity, from a simple personal blog to a large e-commerce site. There are many different types of website templates available, so finding the right one for your needs can take some time and research. Once you've found a template you like, you can customize it to fit your brand and content.

Here’s an example of guide on how to get one:

  1. Google free portfolio templates
  2. Download the template and plug in your content and your projects
  3. Push you project up to Github
  4. Deploy a Github Page
  5. You're good to go.

Now that's what I like to call "Good artist borrow. Great artist steals”, ladies and gentlemen. My favorite thing about website templates are that they usually include responsive designs, and most of the time are pretty bug free.

If a recruiter actually opens your portfolio website, one thing that they do not want to see is bugs, because that can actually hurt your chances of getting your job.

Is There an Alternative to Using Templates?

If you don't wanna use a template, you can use a design system like Material UI, or Tailwind and build on top of that. Plus, you just added a new still to your resume.

Portfolio Essentials

For job seekers in any field hoping to land a job, a portfolio is essential. But what should you include? The answer may depend on the industry you're in, but there are some basics that every portfolio should have.

Discover the person behind.

At the very least, you want to include an about me section. This is one of the most important parts of your online presence. An about me section can help you share your story, build trust, and establish credibility. So go ahead - brag about yourself.

Get in touch!

A way for potential employers to contact you:. Don't just include your social media links. Include your email - a mail to link is cool but an embedded form is even better.

Critical to your success

Create a project section, that links out to individual pages. Each page gives the viewer more details about the project. If you are a beginner in tech you only need to include two projects. But these two projects need to have substance. It's about quality, not quantity here.

If you're a code newbie, sooner or later you're going to need a portfolio. But stop wasting time coding your portfolio. Instead spend your time building projects to include in your portfolio. It is important to remember that a portfolio is not a replacement for a resume and while both are important tools in the job search process, you should focus on creating a strong portfolio that will make you stand out from the competition.

Hopefully by now I have convinced you to make a developer portfolio but to focus on the content within your portfolio first. So what are you waiting for? Get started on your portfolio today!

No time to look for templates? I got you!

Luckily, I have created a collection of templates that you can download and use to create your own portfolio to help you get started. Just download the one that best suits your needs and start customizing it with your own contents and projects. With these easy-to-use templates, you'll be able to create your developer portfolio in no time.

Download this freebie to get started on your portfolio today!

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