DEV Community

Muhammad Salman
Muhammad Salman

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Projects you can build as a frontend web developer newbie

As a frontend web development newbie, you may want to start with smaller, simpler projects that will help you learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and gain some practical experience with web development tools and techniques. Some ideas to consider include:

  1. Building a static website using HTML and CSS, with a simple layout and design, and basic features such as navigation, links, and images.
  2. Creating a responsive website that adjusts to different screen sizes and devices, using CSS media queries and responsive design principles.
  3. Developing a simple web application that allows users to input data and see the results on the page, using basic JavaScript and DOM manipulation techniques.
  4. Building a simple game, such as a puzzle or a quiz, that allows users to interact with the page and make choices, using JavaScript events and functions.
  5. Creating a simple website or web application that utilizes a third-party API, such as a weather forecast app or a social media feed.
  6. Building a simple web-based tool or utility, such as a calculator, a converter, or a random name generator, using basic JavaScript and HTML.

These are just a few examples of the many projects that you can build as a frontend web development newbie. As you gain more experience and skills, you can tackle more complex and challenging projects, and continue to learn and grow as a web developer.

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