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2558. Take Gifts From the Richest Pile

2558. Take Gifts From the Richest Pile

Difficulty: Easy

Topics: Array, Heap (Priority Queue), Simulation

You are given an integer array gifts denoting the number of gifts in various piles. Every second, you do the following:

  • Choose the pile with the maximum number of gifts.
  • If there is more than one pile with the maximum number of gifts, choose any.
  • Leave behind the floor of the square root of the number of gifts in the pile. Take the rest of the gifts.

Return the number of gifts remaining after k seconds.

Example 1:

  • Input: gifts = [25,64,9,4,100], k = 4
  • Output: 29
  • Explanation: The gifts are taken in the following way:
    • In the first second, the last pile is chosen and 10 gifts are left behind.
    • Then the second pile is chosen and 8 gifts are left behind.
    • After that the first pile is chosen and 5 gifts are left behind.
    • Finally, the last pile is chosen again and 3 gifts are left behind.
    • The final remaining gifts are [5,8,9,4,3], so the total number of gifts remaining is 29.

Example 2:

  • Input: gifts = [1,1,1,1], k = 4
  • Output: 4
  • Explanation: In this case, regardless which pile you choose, you have to leave behind 1 gift in each pile.
    • That is, you can't take any pile with you.
    • So, the total gifts remaining are 4.


  • 1 <= gifts.length <= 103
  • 1 <= gifts[i] <= 109
  • 1 <= k <= 103


  1. How can you keep track of the largest gifts in the array
  2. What is an efficient way to find the square root of a number?
  3. Can you keep adding up the values of the gifts while ensuring they are in a certain order?
  4. Can we use a priority queue or heap here?


We can utilize a max-heap (priority queue) since we need to repeatedly pick the pile with the maximum number of gifts. A max-heap will allow us to efficiently access the largest pile in constant time and update the heap after taking gifts from the pile.


  1. Use a Max-Heap:

    • Since we need to repeatedly get the pile with the maximum number of gifts, a max-heap (priority queue) is ideal. In PHP, we can use SplPriorityQueue, which is a priority queue that by default works as a max-heap.
    • To simulate a max-heap, we will insert the number of gifts as a negative value, since SplPriorityQueue is a min-heap by default. By inserting negative values, the smallest negative value will represent the largest original number.
  2. Process Each Second:

    • In each second, pop the pile with the maximum number of gifts from the heap.
    • Take all the gifts except the floor of the square root of the number of gifts in that pile.
    • Push the modified pile back into the heap.
  3. Termination:

    • We stop after k seconds or once we've processed all the seconds.

Let's implement this solution in PHP: 2558. Take Gifts From the Richest Pile

 * @param Integer[] $gifts
 * @param Integer $k
 * @return Integer
function pickGifts($gifts, $k) {
     * go to ./solution.php

// Example usage:
$gifts1 = [25, 64, 9, 4, 100];
$k1 = 4;
echo pickGifts($gifts1, $k1) . "\n"; // Output: 29

$gifts2 = [1, 1, 1, 1];
$k2 = 4;
echo pickGifts($gifts2, $k2) . "\n"; // Output: 4
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  1. Heap Initialization:

    • SplPriorityQueue is used to simulate a max-heap. The insert method allows us to push elements into the heap with a priority.
  2. Processing the Largest Pile:

    • For k iterations, the largest pile is extracted using extract.
    • The number of gifts left behind is calculated as the floor of the square root of the current largest pile using floor(sqrt(...)).
    • The reduced pile is re-inserted into the heap.
  3. Summing Remaining Gifts:

    • After the k operations, all elements in the heap are extracted and summed up to get the total number of remaining gifts.
  4. Edge Cases:

    • If gifts is empty, the result is 0.
    • If k is larger than the number of operations possible, the algorithm gracefully handles it.

Time Complexity:

  • Heap operations (insert and extract): Each heap operation (insertion and extraction) takes O(log n), where n is the number of piles.
  • Looping through k operations: We perform k operations, each involving heap extraction and insertion, both taking O(log n).

Thus, the total time complexity is O(k log n), where n is the number of piles and k is the number of seconds.

Example Walkthrough:

For the input:

$gifts = [25, 64, 9, 4, 100];
$k = 4;
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  1. Initially, the priority queue has the piles: [25, 64, 9, 4, 100].
  2. After 1 second: Choose 100, leave 10 behind. The remaining gifts are: [25, 64, 9, 4, 10].
  3. After 2 seconds: Choose 64, leave 8 behind. The remaining gifts are: [25, 8, 9, 4, 10].
  4. After 3 seconds: Choose 25, leave 5 behind. The remaining gifts are: [5, 8, 9, 4, 10].
  5. After 4 seconds: Choose 10, leave 3 behind. The remaining gifts are: [5, 8, 9, 4, 3].

The sum of the remaining gifts is 5 + 8 + 9 + 4 + 3 = 29.

This approach efficiently solves the problem using a max-heap and performs well within the given constraints.

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