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Tatenda Carl Sakarombe
Tatenda Carl Sakarombe

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Request Management and Variables in Postman

🔍🚀Exploring API Testing Essentials with Postman!

👩‍💻 In the world of API testing, mastering tools like Postman is a game-changer. Today, let's unravel key aspects like saving requests, utilizing variables, and decoding query parameters.

💡🌐It's a journey where precision meets flexibility. Ready to dive in? Let's make API testing a breeze!
Saving Requests**
The key to handling requests efficiently is to create collections.

Before saving a request in Postman, you must start a collection.

These collections act as organized repositories, designed for a specific API or customized for a specific purpose.

Imagine them as carefully curated libraries that contain the complex interactions of APIs, guaranteeing a methodical approach to testing.
Storing and Creating Variables**
To improve our testing skills, we can utilize variables.

We start by emphasizing the base URL, which is an essential part of any API request.

By simply clicking on the 'set variable' button, Postman enables us to effortlessly create and store variables within the collection.

This not only makes the testing process more efficient but also provides us with the ability to modify variables as required.
Modifying Collection Variables**
In the ever-changing world of testing, being adaptable is crucial.

Postman understands this and offers a convenient way to modify collection variables.

By going directly to the collection, we can make instant changes, ensuring that our testing environment stays flexible and responsive to changing needs.
Query Parameters**
As we explore the API landscape, query parameters play a vital role in exchanging data.

The use of a question mark indicates the start of query parameters, and it is important to consider their sensitivity to uppercase and lowercase letters.

Postman, acting as the messenger, sends only the specific parameter category to the API.

Behind the scenes, the API utilizes this parameter to filter through the data.

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