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Gajender Tyagi
Gajender Tyagi

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Implicit Explicit and....?

Hello, today i was reading about this, you ask what I say this is a keyword in JavaScript which refers to ......?

Well this is a question we will try to answer today.

Code 1 - Implicit binding = 'Global Name';

const person = {
  name: 'James Bond',
  profession: 'Agent',
  id: '007'
  hi: function() { 

person.hi() // 'James Bond'

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Well, clearly this refers to its immediate object.

Now lets change this a little bit = 'Global Name';

const person = {
  name: 'James Bond',
  profession: 'Agent',
  id: '007'
  hi: () => { 

person.hi() // 'Global Name'

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If you see clearly I have changed hi key's value to an arrow function and arrow functions changes the reference this to global object. But why ? can you answer in comments ?

Code 2 - Explicit binding = 'Global Name';

const person = {
  name: 'James Bond',
  profession: 'Agent',
  id: '007'
  hi: function() { 

person.hi() // 'Global Name'

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In here this will refer to global object since we have bind it to window object which is the global object.

Thank you

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