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ChatGPT - is it strong and should you be wary of it?

I won't list the concerns that the chatGPT has raised among the average Internet user - there are tons of them, you can read for yourself.
But here I gave him an assignment: "Can you suggest a regular expression in PHP that would remove all attributes of all tags except src in the text?"...
After each answer he gave, the standard task clarification began:

  • only the SRC attribute should be left, the rest should be removed
  • the content of the SRC attribute should remain as well
  • this code doesn't work, check yourself
  • in this version the code does not work, because all attributes except style|class|alt remain

And so on.

After playing with it for about 10 minutes, I quickly found a solution here and it is very correct at least from the position that it allows you to easily replace href with src, add a couple of attributes - that is, it gives a flexible, customizable solution. Chat could not give me such a result.

Hence two conclusions:

  1. At this stage, it is not worth being afraid of it - the revolution of cars is still postponed :)
  2. To use it, you need to be able to do what you are asking it to help you with!

And the second conclusion makes you wonder: what is the purpose of a chatGPT? The answer is simple - as a generator of ideas and directions for finding an answer! This is where it is great, as it gives us a squeeze of the entire Internet, saving us hours of searching and processing garbage!

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