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Annette Michaels
Annette Michaels

Posted on

Practice what you don't like

Have you ever really not wanted to do a thing? Like really not wanted to to the point where it gave you the heebie-jeebies?

For programming it was CSS.

I am a scientist so having to use something that feels so imprecise feels innately wrong. One small change shouldn't make your website into a Picasso painting right?

Well I have been working on my website SeeSignStories and I know that this has to be an easy to navigate site that is responsive to a wide range of operating systems and screen sizes. The children using it will be in early elementary school and grabbing their parents phones or tablets, definitely not using a desktop computer. So I have been working an awful lot with CSS and learning about different viewports and doing tons of media queries.

I can solidly say that CSS and I have become better friends. Since I am looking for my first job front-end positions seem less daunting since I know I can do it.

In summary, if you don't like something or it is hard, you probably just need to practice it more.

On a side note if anyone has any tips about naming classes for CSS or organizing the giant CSS file with media queries let me know! Or eTags since my next mission is to not use up my Youtube API quota so quickly...

Top comments (7)

lynnntropy profile image
Lynn Romich

On a side note if anyone has any tips about naming classes for CSS or organizing the giant CSS file with media queries let me know!

I've only used it a little bit, but BEM is pretty cool.

rygelxvi profile image
Annette Michaels

I'll look into this when I do my inevitable CSS refactor.

mate3 profile image

You should defiantly use SASS for writing your CSS code and dividing it in the smaller files, also BEM is great for naming. It's little hard to use BEM in the beginning but later pays off

rygelxvi profile image
Annette Michaels

Good to know. I'm definitely a CSS newbie but I'm getting lost in the giant file. Would be awesome to be able to titer it down and make it more readable (or at least easier to find what I'm looking for).

leewarrickjr profile image
Lee Warrick

Oh my gosh yes! I just wrote an article about this today. How serendipitous!

rygelxvi profile image
Annette Michaels

Nice I'll definitely check it out =D

danielolamide profile image
Daniel Olamide

Were you able to find a way to use the daily quota more efficiently?