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Discussion on: Shipping Home Page Cleanups

ryansmith profile image
Ryan Smith • Edited

Looks good so far, nice work.

Here are some initial observations of mine:

  • The featured card's tags have underscores between them on hover. It looks to only affect the first card.
  • Without the boxes, it can be hard to differentiate between sections on the right sidebar with the current headings and links there.
  • Hover styles are a bit too subtle, in my opinion.
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Paweł Ludwiczak

We've added new hover styles, should be much more visible now :)

As for boxes in sidebar (tl;dr: we added dividers between each section. this is all temporary though. we may bring boxes back at some point but in slightly different form)

One tiny change we've just delivered is adding subtle divider between each section in sidebar. That should help differentiate them, at least a little bit. Still no boxes, but the current plan is to bring them back at some point but in slightly different form. So why no boxes right now? We had to do some cleanups first 🤷‍♂️ so it's like intermediate step.

Also, have you thought about switching back to default theme in UX settings? It's not that different from you current theme but it does few things a little bit better :) Also, at some point we may consolidate these two themes anyway.

ryansmith profile image
Ryan Smith

Thanks, looks much better!

I have thought about switching to the default theme, I just dislike the tan header since it seems to clash with the other colors. But I'm sure that is on your list of things to address. I agree they are fairly similar and should probably be merged to reduce maintenance on both.

Thread Thread
pp profile image
Paweł Ludwiczak

hah this is exactly the plan:)

pp profile image
Paweł Ludwiczak

Thanks! I’ll take a close look at these issue. Some are definitely bugs.

Also, thanks for screenshots - thats always very useful.