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rpostulart profile picture


IT Engineering Lead who loves to work on side projects with React, GatsbyJS, React Native, NodeJS and AWS Amplify.

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The guide to set up NextJS Authentication and data fetching with AWS Amplify Gen2

The guide to set up NextJS Authentication and data fetching with AWS Amplify Gen2

Comments 1
7 min read

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The guide to connect AWS Amplify to any (AWS) service 2.0

The guide to connect AWS Amplify to any (AWS) service 2.0

Comments 1
3 min read
The guide to create (offline) multi tenant apps with Expo and AWS Amplify

The guide to create (offline) multi tenant apps with Expo and AWS Amplify

Comments 16
15 min read
AWS Amplify cheatsheet

AWS Amplify cheatsheet

Comments 4
1 min read
Clean DynamoDB data automaticlly

Clean DynamoDB data automaticlly

2 min read
The guide to connect AWS Amplify to any (AWS) service

The guide to connect AWS Amplify to any (AWS) service

Comments 3
4 min read
The guide to add Payments to your React Native App with Stripe, Expo and AWS Amplify

The guide to add Payments to your React Native App with Stripe, Expo and AWS Amplify

Comments 5
10 min read
Build a serverless Quiz in days with React and AWS Amplify DataStore

Build a serverless Quiz in days with React and AWS Amplify DataStore

Comments 1
4 min read
The guide to add AI to your React Native app with AWS Amplify

The guide to add AI to your React Native app with AWS Amplify

Comments 7
12 min read
The guide to implement Push Notifications with React Native, Expo and AWS Amplify

The guide to implement Push Notifications with React Native, Expo and AWS Amplify

Comments 3
14 min read
The guide to implement push notifications with React Native, Expo and AWS Amplify

The guide to implement push notifications with React Native, Expo and AWS Amplify

Comments 1
1 min read
How to survive and innovate as a developer!

How to survive and innovate as a developer!

Comments 2
6 min read
How to learn as a developer from the 90's

How to learn as a developer from the 90's

Comments 2
5 min read