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Rafael Peña-Azar, M.Sc.Eng.
Rafael Peña-Azar, M.Sc.Eng.

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Exploring Genetic Algorithms with Ruby

In the quest to solve complex optimization problems and simulate natural evolution, computer scientists turn to the fascinating world of genetic algorithms. These algorithms mimic the principles of Darwinian evolution, and when combined with the expressive and elegant Ruby language, they become a powerful toolset for tackling a wide range of challenges. In this article, we'll dive into the intriguing realm of genetic algorithms in Ruby and explore real-life applications that showcase their potential.

  • Understanding Genetic Algorithms:
    🧬 Genetic algorithms draw inspiration from biological evolution, imitating the process of natural selection, crossover, and mutation. At their core, these algorithms consist of a population of candidate solutions, evolving over generations to reach an optimal or near-optimal solution to a given problem.

  • Representation of Solutions:
    In a genetic algorithm, each candidate solution is encoded as a chromosome, often represented as an array or data structure in Ruby. The combination of genes within chromosomes determines the characteristics of each solution.

# Example: Chromosome representing a sequence of cities in a Traveling Salesman Problem
class Chromosome
  attr_accessor :genes

  def initialize(genes)
    @genes = genes
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  • Evaluation Function: The key to genetic algorithms lies in the evaluation function, also known as the fitness function. This function assesses how well each candidate solution performs, guiding the selection process during evolution.
# Example: Fitness function for the Traveling Salesman Problem
def fitness(chromosome, distance_matrix)
  total_distance = 0

  chromosome.genes.each_with_index do |city, index|
    total_distance += distance_matrix[city][chromosome.genes[index - 1]]

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  • Selection Methods: Various selection methods determine which solutions have a higher chance of becoming parents for the next generation. Popular selection techniques include roulette wheel selection, tournament selection, and rank-based selection.
# Example: Roulette wheel selection
def roulette_wheel_selection(population, distance_matrix)
  total_fitness = population.sum { |chromosome| fitness(chromosome, distance_matrix) }
  selected = []

  until selected.size == population.size
    r = rand(0..total_fitness)
    cumulative_fitness = 0

    population.each do |chromosome|
      cumulative_fitness += fitness(chromosome, distance_matrix)
      if cumulative_fitness >= r
        selected << chromosome

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  • Genetic Operators: Genetic algorithms utilize three fundamental genetic operators:
    • Crossover: Involves combining genetic material from two parents to create offspring.
    • Mutation: Introduces random changes in the offspring to maintain diversity.
    • Elitism: Preserves the best solutions from the previous generation to ensure progress.
# Example: Crossover operator for the Traveling Salesman Problem
def crossover(parent1, parent2)
  crossover_point = rand(1..parent1.genes.size - 1)
  child_genes = parent1.genes[0...crossover_point]

  parent2.genes.each do |city|
    child_genes << city unless child_genes.include?(city)

# Example: Mutation operator for the Traveling Salesman Problem
def mutate(chromosome, mutation_rate)
  chromosome.genes.each_with_index do |city, index|
    if rand < mutation_rate
      swap_index = rand(0...chromosome.genes.size)
      chromosome.genes[index], chromosome.genes[swap_index] = chromosome.genes[swap_index], chromosome.genes[index]
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  • Real-World Applications: Genetic algorithms have found applications in diverse fields, showcasing their versatility and problem-solving capabilities. Their ability to handle combinatorial optimization challenges makes them invaluable in real-life scenarios:
    • Traveling Salesman Problem: Optimizing routes for delivery services or travel planning, where the goal is to find the shortest path that visits a set of cities and returns to the starting point.
    • Job Scheduling: Efficiently scheduling tasks or jobs to minimize processing time, improve resource utilization, and meet deadlines.
    • Network Routing: Optimizing data packet routing in computer networks to reduce congestion and improve efficiency.
    • Evolutionary Art: Generating artistic images or designs through evolving populations of visual representations.
    • Neural Network Training: Tuning the weights and biases of neural networks to optimize their performance for specific tasks.

Ruby's expressive syntax and powerful object-oriented features make it an ideal language for implementing genetic algorithms. By harnessing the principles of natural selection, crossover, and mutation, developers can solve complex optimization problems and explore uncharted territories in their respective domains.

As you delve deeper into the world of genetic algorithms, remember to experiment, iterate, and adapt your approach to the unique challenges you encounter. Embrace the evolutionary spirit, and let Ruby be your ally in unleashing the untapped potential of genetic algorithms.

Happy genetic coding! 🤣

Top comments (10)

nkrasnogor profile image
Natalio Krasnogor

Hola Rafael, muy bueno este post. Gracias. Si te interesa dale una mirada a este repo: .
Es un framework para algoritmos memeticos en Java que escribi hace como 13 anios mientras hacia el doctorado. Hace rato vengo pensando en convertirlo a Ruby pero nunca encontre tiempo o "socio". Fijate, ya me diras algo...

rpaweb profile image
Rafael Peña-Azar, M.Sc.Eng.

Muchísimas gracias por leerlo y por comentar. Espectacular lo que traes a colación. De seguro le echaré un ojo más de una vez, y lo de la 'traducción' a Ruby no es para nada una mala idea. Muchas gracias de nuevo. Feliz día.

nkrasnogor profile image
Natalio Krasnogor

Yo estaré de vacaciones durante agosto, si te interesa podemos charlar el tema en septiembre. Saludos cordiales

davearonson profile image
Dave Aronson • Edited

If anybody wants a little more explanation, or prefers video, they can pick one from my playlist of versions of my talk titled "Tight Genes: Intro to Genetic Algorithms", at

(BTW, I am already writing the next version, including a Traveling Salesman problem.)

rpaweb profile image
Rafael Peña-Azar, M.Sc.Eng.

Thank you Dave for sharing your talk. This is for sure a great topic to discuss, and everyone needs to know that Ruby is more than a language that helps to do web development. Ruby is much more than just web. Ruby is much more powerful than must of the people think.

fera2k profile image
Fernando Vieira

Very cool article. I'm going to read the others. Thanks for sharing!

cymaniatico profile image

It looks great, I'll try it and report the results.

rpaweb profile image
Rafael Peña-Azar, M.Sc.Eng. • Edited

Thank you for trying this out. This is a way to solve many kind of problems that are presented to us in real life, and the Ruby syntax is a beautiful way to get to that solution in a much cleaner and elegant manner.

johndeev profile image

Every day I am amazed by the ability of ruby and its entire ecosystem to solve problems and in a simple way. excellent article

rpaweb profile image
Rafael Peña-Azar, M.Sc.Eng.

And is not only that solves issues in that simple manner, but also with such an elegant syntax. Ruby is powerful, but also simple, and at the same time beautiful.