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Ryan Palo
Ryan Palo

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AoC Day 2: Inventory Management System

OK, the first day was awesome, I'm super excited about all of the solutions people posted. And I'm learning a lot! We've got a solid 20 people on the DEV leaderboard, which means there are still spots for 180 more -- use code 224198-25048a19 to join!

On to Day 2!

Day 2 of Advent of Code, and I'm pretty sure that Google is tired of me asking it questions every 15 seconds about "How Do I Do X in Rust."

Today's challenge involves an inventory system. Boxes have IDs that are a jumble of letters, and we've got a warehouse full of boxes to check. The first part asks us to analyze the frequency of letters in each ID. The second part gets into Hamming Distances, which are a familiar sight after mentoring on Exercism.

I got both parts working, and even part 2 ran pretty fast, but I'm not algorithmically happy with the double-loop (O(n^2)) runtime. Did anybody come up with anything tricky to do it more efficiently?

I'm going to post my solution in the comments like the rest of the cool kids.

How'd everybody else do?

Latest comments (64)

thedevbc profile image
Ben Mulford

Here's my C# .Net solution:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;

namespace Day2Part1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] inputTxt = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\adventOfCode2018\Day 2\input.txt");
            List<int> TwoMatchList = new List<int>();// List of id's to find box in the input array
            List<int> ThreeMatchList = new List<int>();// list of id's to find box in the input array
            foreach (string boxID in inputTxt)
                int id = Array.IndexOf(inputTxt, boxID);
                var distinctLetters = boxID.Select(x => x).Distinct().ToList();
                foreach (char letter in distinctLetters)
                    var matches = boxID.Where(x => x == letter).ToList();
                    switch (matches.Count)
                        case 2:
                            //if there's exactly 2, and it's not already in the list then add it to the TwoMatchList
                            if (!TwoMatchList.Contains(id))
                        case 3:
                            //if there's exactly 3, and it's not already in the list then add it to the ThreeMatchList
                            if (!ThreeMatchList.Contains(id))
                            //don't add to any list
                    }//end switch
                }//end foreach letter
            }//end foreach boxID
            int checksum = TwoMatchList.Count * ThreeMatchList.Count;
            Console.WriteLine("Number of boxes with exactly two matching letters {0}", TwoMatchList.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of boxes with exactly three matching letters {0}", ThreeMatchList.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Checksum: {0}", checksum);

            Console.WriteLine("Now for part two!");

            //empty Dictionary to hold any boxes we find and the index of the letter that's different
            Dictionary<string, int> savedIDsAndIndexes = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            //empty string to hold the answer
            string answer = "";

            //Loop through to test and find correct boxes ==>> this could be a foreach loop
            for (int i = 0; i < inputTxt.Length; i++)
                string boxID = inputTxt[i];
                for (int j = inputTxt.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    List<int> mismatchIndexes = new List<int>();
                    string testBoxID = inputTxt[j];
                    for (int k = 0; k < boxID.Length; k++)
                        if (boxID[k] != testBoxID[k])
                    if (mismatchIndexes.Count == 1)
                        savedIDsAndIndexes.Add(boxID, mismatchIndexes.First());

            Console.WriteLine("number of correct boxes found: {0}", savedIDsAndIndexes.Count);

            answer = savedIDsAndIndexes.Keys.First().Substring(0, savedIDsAndIndexes.Values.First())
                + savedIDsAndIndexes.Keys.First().Substring(savedIDsAndIndexes.Values.First() + 1);

            Console.WriteLine("here are the ids:");
            foreach (var id in savedIDsAndIndexes)

            Console.WriteLine("The common characters are:\n{0}", answer);

            Console.WriteLine("saved index: {0}", savedIDsAndIndexes.Values.First());
pabloxcl profile image
Pablo Olmos de Aguilera Corradini

A bit late to the party, here are my solutions on Ruby:

Part 1:

twos = 0
threes = 0'day-02_input.txt').each_line do |line|
  counter = {}

  line.each_char do |char|
    next if line.count(char) <= 1

    counter[char] = line.count(char)

  twos += 1 if counter.value? 2
  threes += 1 if counter.value? 3

puts twos * threes

Part 2:

boxes = []'day-02_input.txt').each_line { |box| boxes << box.chomp! }

def find_distance pair, distance = 0
  pair[0].each_char.with_index do |char, index|
    distance += 1 if char != pair[1][index]

boxes.combination(2).each do |pair|
  next unless find_distance(pair) == 1

  str = ''

  pair[0].chars.each_with_index do |_, i|
    str << pair[0][i] if pair[0][i] == pair[1][i]
  puts str

I learnt about the combination method :)

macshome profile image
Josh Wisenbaker

I'm not super thrilled with my Day 2 code, but I haven't really had the time to tweak it with everything going on at work currently.

Swift Solutions
Part 1

This one was fairly simple. Just count how many times each letter appears in each String and act appropriately. I do like the fact that a Swift String type is really an Array of Characters.

// Part 1: Find the checksums
func calculateChecksum(_ idCodes: [String]) -> Int {
    var doubles = 0
    var triples = 0 { (boxID) in
        var doubleTrue = false
        var tripleTrue = false
        for char in boxID {
            let count = boxID.filter { $0 == char }.count
            if count == 2 {
                doubleTrue = true
            if count == 3 {
                tripleTrue = true
        doubles += doubleTrue ? 1 : 0
        triples += tripleTrue ? 1 : 0
    return doubles * triples

let checksum = calculateChecksum(boxIDs)
print("Boxes checksum is: \(checksum)")

Part 2
This one feels clunky, if I get a chance I'll revisit it.

I break on the first hit for a solution to short circuit everything and return the answer, this can help a lot with so many Characters to test.

I use zip(_:_:) with a filter and count to quickly test how many differences there are in the same positions. When I see two strings that differ by one character in the same position I move to the next step.

In the second part I cast the Arrays into Set types so that I can use the Collection Algebra features to quickly find the actual character to remove by subtracting one collection from the other. With that done I can just remove it from the source Array and return what's left.

// Part 2: Box finder
func findTheBoxes(_ idCodes: [String]) -> String {
    var result = ""
    var differceCount = 0

    for boxID in idCodes {
        if differceCount == 1 {
        for code in idCodes {
            differceCount = zip(boxID, code).filter{$0 != $1}.count
            if differceCount == 1 {
                let diff = Set(boxID).subtracting(code)
                if let charToRemove = diff.first {
                    result = boxID
                    if let foo = result.index(of: charToRemove) {
                        result.remove(at: foo)
    return result

let theBoxes = findTheBoxes(boxIDs)
print("Matching box ID is: \(theBoxes)")

Normally I would import Foundation here so that I could just use NSOrderedSet and skip a few steps. I wanted to try and keep it all in the Swift Standard Library though, so I didn't!

ryanwilldev profile image
Ryan Will

A little late, to the party. I tried really hard to think of a solution to part 2 that only involved iterating the list once, but no luck. Here is my solution in Elixir.

Part one:

 def part_1() do
  %{"3" => total_3, "2" => total_2} =
    |> Enum.reduce(%{"2" => 0, "3" => 0}, fn id, acc ->
        counts =
          String.split(id, "", trim: true)
          |> Enum.reduce(%{}, &Map.update(&2, &1, 1, fn val -> val + 1 end))
          |> Enum.reduce(%{"2" => 0, "3" => 0}, fn
            {_, 2}, count ->
              Map.update!(count, "2", fn _ -> 1 end)

            {_, 3}, count ->
              Map.update!(count, "3", fn _ -> 1 end)

            _, count ->

        %{acc | "2" => acc["2"] + counts["2"], "3" => acc["3"] + counts["3"]}

    total_2 * total_3

Part 2:

def part_2() do
  |> traverse_list()

def traverse_list([head | tail]) do
  traverse_list(head, tail, tail)

def traverse_list(_, [], [head | tail]) do
  traverse_list(head, tail, tail)

def traverse_list(compare, [current | tail] = remaining, rest_list)
    when length(remaining) > 0 do
  case compare_strings(compare, current) do
    :notfound ->
      traverse_list(compare, tail, rest_list)

    common_chars ->

def compare_strings(s1, s2) do
  s1 = String.split(s1, "", trim: true)
  s2 = String.split(s2, "", trim: true)
  zipped =, s2)

  case Enum.reduce(zipped, %{misses: 0, common: ""}, fn
    {s, s}, acc ->
      %{acc | common: acc.common <> s}

     _, acc ->
       %{acc | misses: acc.misses + 1}
  end) do
    %{misses: 1, common: common} ->

    _ ->
roeekl profile image

Part 1: C# + LINQ = one-liner

return (input.Count(id => id.GroupBy(c => c).Any(group => group.Count() == 2)) *
                   input.Count(id => id.GroupBy(c => c).Any(group => group.Count() == 3)))

Part 2

for (int i = 0; i < input[0].Length; i++)
                var commonIds = input.Select(id => id.Remove(i, 1)).GroupBy(id => id).FirstOrDefault(group => group.Count() > 1);
                if (commonIds != null)
                    return commonIds.First();
themindfuldev profile image
Tiago Romero Garcia • Edited

My solution in JavaScript / Node 11, using the readline interface:


const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');

const readLines = (file, onLine) => {
    const reader = readline.createInterface({
        input: fs.createReadStream(file),
        crlfDelay: Infinity

    reader.on('line', onLine);

    return new Promise(resolve => reader.on('close', resolve));

const readFile = async file => {
    const lines = [];
    await readLines(file, line => lines.push(line));  
    return lines;

module.exports = {


const { readFile } = require('./readLines');

(async () => {
    const lines = await readFile('02-input.txt');

    let twoLettersCount = 0;
    let threeLettersCount = 0;
    for (let line of lines) {
        const frequencyMap = {};
        for (const char of line.split('')) {
            frequencyMap[char] = (frequencyMap[char] || 0) + 1;
        const hasTwoLetters = Object.values(frequencyMap).some(frequency => frequency === 2);
        const hasThreeLetters = Object.values(frequencyMap).some(frequency => frequency === 3);

        twoLettersCount += +hasTwoLetters;
        threeLettersCount += +hasThreeLetters;

    const checksum = twoLettersCount * threeLettersCount;
    console.log(`The checksum is ${checksum}`);


const { readFile } = require('./readLines');

// Compares two strings to see if they differ by one char and which one 
function compare(string1, string2) {
    const length = string1.length;
    let differentChars = 0;
    let differIndex;
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        if (string1.charAt(i) !== string2.charAt(i)) {
            differIndex = differentChars === 1 ? i : undefined;

    return {
        differByOneChar: differentChars === 1,

// Compare each strings to every other string 
// and get the common letters in case the differByOneChar is true
function getCommonLetters(ids) {
    const idsCount = ids.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < idsCount; i++) {
        const id = ids[i];
        for (let j = i + 1; j < idsCount; j++) {
            const { differByOneChar, differIndex } = compare(id, ids[j]);
            if (differByOneChar) {
                return id.slice(0, differIndex) + id.slice(differIndex + 1);

(async () => {
    const lines = await readFile('02-input.txt');

    const commonLetters = getCommonLetters(lines);
    console.log(`The common letters are ${commonLetters}`);
stevieoberg profile image
Stevie Oberg

This one was difficult for me, but I eventually got it! I'm also not happy about that double for loop in part 2, but I think I sped it up by removing the elements as I compared them?

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Late to the party!

Still digging F#, but I'm definitely hindered by my lack of familiarity with what's available in .NET

namespace Day2
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

module util =
    type FreqMap = Map<char, int>

    let getBoxIds fileName =
      let lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines(fileName)
      lines |> Seq.toList

    let tickFreq c (freqs: FreqMap) =
      match (freqs.TryFind c) with
      | Some x -> Map.add c (x + 1) freqs
      | None -> Map.add c 1 freqs

    let rec goGetFreqs (freqs: FreqMap) boxId =
      let len = String.length boxId
      if len = 1 then
        tickFreq boxId.[0] freqs
        goGetFreqs (tickFreq boxId.[0] freqs) boxId.[1..len - 1]

    let getFreqs boxId = goGetFreqs (new Map<char, int> (Seq.empty)) boxId

    let countOfFreq num (freqMap: FreqMap) =
        |> Map.filter (fun _ v -> v = num)
        |> Map.toList
        |> List.length

module part1 =
  let getTwosAndThrees boxId =
    let freqs = util.getFreqs boxId
    let twos = util.countOfFreq 2 freqs
    let threes = util.countOfFreq 3 freqs
    (twos, threes)

  let rec getTotals twos threes l =
    match l with
    | [] -> (twos, threes)
    | (two, three)::tail ->
      let newTwos = if two > 0 then twos + 1 else twos
      let newThrees = if three > 0 then threes + 1 else threes
      getTotals newTwos newThrees tail

  let execute fileName =
    let boxIds = util.getBoxIds fileName
    let twosAndThrees = (fun bid -> getTwosAndThrees bid) boxIds
    let (twos, threes) = getTotals 0 0 twosAndThrees
    twos * threes

module part2 =
  let checkTwo id id' =
    let s = (Seq.map2 (fun c c' -> 
      if c <> c' then
        c) id id')
          |> Seq.filter (fun c -> c <> '!')
          |> Seq.toArray
          |> System.String

    if (String.length id) - 1 = String.length s then
      Some s

  let findWinner boxIds = (fun id -> (fun id' ->
        if id = id' then
          checkTwo id id') boxIds) boxIds
            |> (List.filter (fun el -> el.IsSome))
            |> List.filter (fun el -> List.length el > 0)
            |> List.concat
            |> List.distinct

  let execute fileName =
    let boxIds = util.getBoxIds fileName
    findWinner boxIds

ikirker profile image
Ian Kirker

I’m trying to use a broader range of languages than I do usually, so I figured I’d try not to use one I’d already used before through the days. I use bash all the time, so I thought I’d get it out of the way early.

This was not one of my better decisions, but worked fine!

Part 1 uses regular expressions; I could have used an associative array like some other people in the thread, but for some reason I went here first. The sort function wasn’t necessary, but helped with debugging.



function sort_str () {
    # Bubble Sort ^_^
    local sl="$1"
    while [[ "$changed" -eq 1 ]]; do
        for i in $(seq 1 $(( ${#sl} - 1 ))); do
            if [[ ${sl:$(( i - 1 )):1} > ${sl:$i:1} ]]; then
                echo "${sl:$(( i - 1 )):1} > ${sl:$i:1}" >>sort_progress
                if [[ $i -eq 1 ]]; then
                    sl=${sl:0:$(( i - 1 ))}${sl:$i:1}${sl:$((i-1)):1}${sl:$i+1}
    echo $sl

for a in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; do

while read line
    echo -n "$line: $(sort_str $line): "
    if [[ "$line" =~ $re_2_str ]]; then
        twos=$(( twos + 1 ))
        echo -n "2 "
    if [[ "$line" =~ $re_3_str ]]; then
        threes=$(( threes + 1 ))
        echo -n "3 "
done <2.1.input

echo "Twos: $twos"
echo "Threes: $threes"
echo "x: $(( twos * threes ))"

Part 2 uses the same double for loop lamented elsewhere, but it gets the job done.


while read line
    while read comp_line
        for i in $(seq 0 $(( ${#line} - 1 )) )
            if [[ "${line:$i:1}" == "${comp_line:$i:1}" ]]; then
                ndiffs=$(( ndiffs+1 ))
        if [[ "$ndiffs" -eq 1 ]]; then
            echo "$line: $comp_line: $same_string"
    done <2.2.input
done <2.2.input

Neither of these is what I’d call “fast”.

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Woah, nice! It's always really cool to see bigger things done with Bash :)

P.S. Depending on your Bash version, you can save yourself some typing with {a..z}.

ikirker profile image
Ian Kirker

Oh yes, good call, I missed that compaction.

andersonjoseph profile image
Anderson. J • Edited

Javascript lazy solution
I don't have much time to solve the challenges :( So I'm just trying to get the stars.

part 1

let twoAppears = 0;
let threeAppears = 0;

for(ID of input) {
  const letters = new Set(ID.split(''));
  let twoAppearing = false;
  let threeAppearing = false;

  for(letter of letters) {
    const length = ID.match(new RegExp(letter, 'g')).length;

    switch (length) {
      case 2:
        if(!twoAppearing) {
          twoAppearing = true;
      case 3:
      if(!threeAppearing) {
        threeAppearing = true;

console.log(twoAppears * threeAppears);

Part 2

function getCommonLetters(string1, string2) {
  let commonLetters = [];

  for(let i=0; i<string1.length; i++) {
    if(string1[i] === string2[i] && string1[i] !== '\r') {
  return commonLetters;

let mostOcurrencies = [0, 0];
for(let i=0; i<input.length; i+=1) {
  for(let j=i+1; j<input.length; j+=1) {
    commonLetters = getCommonLetters(input[i], input[j]);
    if(commonLetters.length >= 1 && commonLetters.length > mostOcurrencies[0]) {
      mostOcurrencies[0] = commonLetters.length;
      mostOcurrencies[1] = commonLetters;

quoll profile image
Paula Gearon

I did my solutions at midnight last night, but I was surviving on very little sleep at the time, so the resulting code was below standard. I tried again this morning and felt better about it.

For anyone reading this, I'm still using the simple lines function from Day 1 which reads a file into a sequence of strings.

Part 1

This was my solution last night:

(defn nums [s]
  (let [cs (->> s
                (group-by identity)
                (map count))]
    [(some #(= 2 %) cs) (some #(= 3 %) cs)]))

(defn star
  (let [tt (->> (lines input-file)
                (map nums))]
    (* (count (filter first tt)) (count (filter second tt)))))

This is embarrassing code. I totally forgot about the frequencies function, which is why I used group-by followed by count. But the 2 filter operations in the final calculation meant that the results of the map get processed twice.

My morning attempt fixed these:

(defn counts [[two-count three-count] s]
  (let [cs (-> s frequencies vals)]
    [(if (some #(= 2 %) cs) (inc two-count) two-count)
     (if (some #(= 3 %) cs) (inc three-count) three-count)]))

(defn star
  (let [[two-count three-count] (->> (lines input-file) (reduce counts [0 0]))]
    (* two-count three-count)))

This time I accumulated the 2/3 count values while processing the list, so it only goes through it once.

Part 2

Since each element needs to be compared to every other element, I can't see any way around the O(n2 ) complexity. Of course, each element should only be compared to the ones after it, so as to avoid comparing each one twice (since comparing A/B has the same result as comparing B/A).

When doing list processing, the only ways I know to refer to everything following an element are by using indexes (yuck) or with a loop. Unfortunately, I got fixated on the loop construct, and nested it:

(defn close [a b]
  (let [sim (filter identity (map #(when (= %1 %2) %1) a b))]
    (when (= (count sim) (dec (count a))) sim)))

(defn cmp-close [ll]
  (loop [[f & fr] ll]
    (when (seq fr)
        (loop [[s & sr] fr]
          (when s
            (or (close f s)
                (recur sr))))
        (recur fr)))))

(defn star2
  (let [ll (lines input-file)]
    (apply str (cmp-close ll))))

The other way you can tell that I wrote this on very little sleep was the use of ridiculously terse var names.

On reflection this morning, I realized that the inner loop should have been a some operation. This does a predicate test and terminates processing early, which is what I was doing manually with the inner loop.

Also, my close function has several issues. First is the name! I was thinking of "A is close to B", but when I saw it again this morning I realized that it's the same function name for closing a resource. Something else that bothers me is that it processes the entirety of each string before returning, when a false result can usuall terminate early. Finally, a minor issue is that the anonymous function #(when (= %1 %2) %1) would be more idiomatic to use a singleton set on %1 to compare to %2.

(defn nearly= [left right]
  (let [same (filter identity (map #(#{%1} %2) left right))]
    (when (= (count same) (dec (count left))) (apply str same))))

(defn compare-lines [ll]
  (loop [[line & xlines] ll]
    (when (seq line)
       (some (partial nearly= line) xlines)
       (recur xlines)))))

(defn star2
  (compare-lines (lines input-file)))

The nearly= function now returns a string, rather than the array of characters, but hasn't changed much. I was still unsatisfied with it not terminating the test early, so I rewrote it to be faster. However, the resulting code lacks any kind of elegance, and I'm not convinced that it's worth the effort:

(defn nearly= [left right]
  (loop [[l & xl] left [r & xr] right diffs 0]
    (if (nil? l)
      (apply str (filter identity (map #(#{%1} %2) left right)))
      (if (not= l r)
        (when (zero? diffs)
          (recur xl xr 1))
        (recur xl xr diffs)))))

Hopefully I'll get some sleep before attempting day 3. 😊

trueneu profile image
Pavel Gurkov • Edited

Clojure (inefficient part 2)

Part 1:

    (utils/read-file (str utils/resources-path "day2.txt"))
    (map frequencies)
    (map vals)
    (map (juxt (fn [coll] (some #(= 2 %) coll))
               (fn [coll] (some #(= 3 %) coll))))
      (fn [acc [_2 _3]]
        (-> acc
            (update :2 #(+ (if _2 1 0) %))
            (update :3 #(+ (if _3 1 0) %))))
      {:2 0 :3 0})
    ((fn [coll] (* (:2 coll) (:3 coll)))))

Part 2:

    (utils/read-file (str utils/resources-path "day2.txt"))
    (map #(map-indexed (fn [idx itm] [idx itm]) %))
    (map set)
    ((fn [coll] (combinatorics/combinations coll 2)))
    (map (fn [[f s]] {:diff (clj-set/difference f s) :orig [f s]}))
    (filter #(= (count (:diff %)) 1))
    ((fn [[{:keys [diff orig]}]]
       (apply str (map second (sort-by first (clj-set/difference (first orig) diff)))))))
ballpointcarrot profile image
Christopher Kruse

I like the threaded use of update here in part 1 - my method used a transient map and returned a persistent copy at the end:

(ns aoc.aoc2)

(defn reduce-twos-threes
  "check the given frequency map n for twos or threes matches, and update
   the memo map to indicate if the string has a match. Used for a reducer."
  [memo n]
  (let [t-memo (transient memo)]
    (if (some (fn [[k v]] (= v 2)) n) 
      (assoc! t-memo :twos (inc (:twos t-memo))))
    (if (some (fn [[k v]] (= v 3)) n) 
      (assoc! t-memo :threes (inc (:threes t-memo))))
    (persistent! t-memo)))

(defn checksum [input]
  (let [sum-maps (map frequencies input)
        twos-threes (reduce reduce-twos-threes {:twos 0 :threes 0} sum-maps)]
    (* (:twos twos-threes) (:threes twos-threes))))
trueneu profile image
Pavel Gurkov

Nice one. Is definitely faster than mine.

ganderzz profile image
Dylan Paulus • Edited

Terrible C++ solution for part 1 !

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include <map>

std::list<std::string> read_file(std::string filename)
  auto lines = std::list<std::string>();
  std::ifstream file(filename);

  for (std::string line; std::getline(file, line);)


  return lines;

class WordCounter
  static std::map<char, int> CalculateLine(const std::string line)
    auto map = std::map<char, int>();

    if (line.length() == 0)
      return map;

    for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++)
      std::map<char, int>::iterator it = map.find(line[i]);

      if (it != map.end())
        it->second = it->second + 1;
        map.insert(std::pair<char, int>(line[i], 1));

    return map;

  static const std::pair<int, int> Sum(std::map<char, int> map)
    int twos = 0;
    int threes = 0;

    for (auto line = map.begin(); line != map.end(); line++)
      if (line->second == 2)
        twos = 1;
      else if (line->second == 3)
        threes = 1;

    return std::pair<int, int>(twos, threes);

int main()
  auto input = read_file("./input.txt");
  int two = 0;
  int three = 0;

  for (auto i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); i++)
    auto letterMap = WordCounter::CalculateLine(*i);
    auto calculated = WordCounter::Sum(letterMap);

    two += calculated.first;
    three += calculated.second;

  std::cout << two * three << std::endl;

  return 0;
rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Terrible is better than never finished! And this looks pretty good to me, not knowing C++ if that makes you feel better 😄

lindakatcodes profile image
Linda Thompson • Edited

Thanks for hosting the private leaderboard! Never been on a leaderboard before lol so that'll be fun. :)

I am curious - how is everyone posting their code? Is there a code tag on here, like there is on Slack? Is everyone sharing screenshots? I haven't posted a whole lot on here yet, so I'm not sure of the best way to share code.

I'm using JS this year, so here's my day 2 solutions: not the prettiest / most succinct, but they work!

Part 1:

let countDouble = 0;
let countTriple = 0;

for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
    let label = input[i].split('');
    let letterCount = {};

    label.reduce((letters, letter) => {
        if (letter in letterCount) {
        } else {
            letterCount[letter] = 1;
        return letters;
    }, 0);

    let checkCounts = Object.values(letterCount);
    if (checkCounts.includes(2)) {
    if (checkCounts.includes(3)) {

let checksum = countDouble * countTriple;

Part 2:

for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
    let root = input[i];

    for (let j = i+1; j < input.length; j++) {
        let currName = input[j];

        if (compareNames(root, currName)) {

function compareNames(first, second) {
    let differences = 0;
    let locations = [];
    for (let k = 0; k < first.length; k++) {
        if (first[k] === second[k]) {
        } else {

    if (differences === 1) {
        const letterArray = first.split('');
        const removeLetter = letterArray.splice(locations[0], 1);
        const matchingLetters = letterArray.join('');
        console.log(`same letters: ${matchingLetters}`);
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

    differences = 0;
    locations = [];
neilgall profile image
Neil Gall

There's an enhanced form of markdown for code blocks: triple backticks for start and end, and if you immediately follow the opening backticks with the language you get syntax highlighting. Difficult to show raw markdown in markdown unfortunately.

lindakatcodes profile image
Linda Thompson

Excellent, thank you! Much better than screenshots. :)

yordiverkroost profile image
Yordi Verkroost

My solution to day 2, in Elixir. The double for-loop in part 2 is certainly not optimal, but it works. The available time was short today. :)

Part one:

defmodule AoC.DayTwo.PartOne do
  alias AoC.DayTwo.Common

  def main() do
    |> Common.read_input()
    |> get_multiplicants()
    |> Enum.reduce(1, fn x, acc -> acc * x end)

  defp count_characters(box_id) do
    |> String.graphemes()
    |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn x, acc -> Map.put(acc, x, (acc[x] || 0) + 1) end)

  defp get_multiplicants(occurrences_lists) do
    twos = get_multiplicant(occurrences_lists, 2)
    threes = get_multiplicant(occurrences_lists, 3)
    [twos, threes]

  defp get_multiplicant(occurrences_lists, count) do
    multiplicant =
      Enum.reduce(occurrences_lists, 0, fn x, acc ->
        if Enum.member?(x, count), do: acc + 1, else: acc

Part two:

defmodule AoC.DayTwo.PartTwo do
  alias AoC.DayTwo.Common

  def main() do
    |> Common.read_input()
    |> find_correct_boxes()

    receive do
      {x, y} -> get_common_characters(x, y)

  defp find_correct_boxes(box_ids) do
    for x <- box_ids do
      for y <- box_ids do
        zipped =, String.graphemes(y))

        differences =
          Enum.reduce(zipped, 0, fn {z1, z2}, acc -> if z1 == z2, do: acc, else: acc + 1 end)

        if(differences == 1) do
          send(self(), {x, y})

  defp get_common_characters(x, y) do, String.graphemes(y))
    |> Enum.reduce("", fn {x1, x2}, acc -> if x1 == x2, do: acc <> x1, else: acc end)


defmodule AoC.DayTwo.Common do
  def read_input(path) do
    |> Enum.to_list()