DEV Community

Roman Rezinkin
Roman Rezinkin

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Open Source


My name is Roman Rezinkin and I am currently in my last semester of the BSD program that is offered by Seneca College. I am currently SOC (Student on Call) Backend Developer for IBM Canada. Some quick things about me... I love cars, motorcycles, and the Marvel Universe (Spider-Man is my favorite).

I am taking the open-source code because I am really interested into finding out how these projects work, how I personally could contribute myself, and in general just to learn something new. As a developer, I have been previously exposed to open-source projects because I have used open source projects to accomplish development needs before. I believe that the full open nature of these projects is really cool, because in days like today, everything is kept private and everything is either locked or copy-writed.

Currently, I am located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I definitely believe that the DPS909/OSD600 community is currently very global, due to the nature of online learning. It gives the opportunity for international students to study in their home countries, rather than pay big dollars to attend class in Newnham Campus (Although, I very much miss the commute to class (Strange right?!)).

Throughout this term, I want to accomplish a few things. I want to help solve at least 4-5 bugs in an open source project of my choice, as well as, try and implement a new feature into said open source project to help it evolve into something greater. The projects that I want to work around will be regarding mobile app development, as that is where my passion for development currently is. I love directly seeing my changes being reflected, and at the end of the project to be able to directly interact with my creation.

The GitHub trending repo that I researched was Flutter ( Flutter is an SDK developed by Google that allows for fast user experiences for mobile, web and desktop, that all exist within a single codebase. It helps eliminate repetitive code in different languages to make the code compatible with different devices. The reason why I picked Flutter is because I have previously used it for personal development, and I really enjoyed the features that it offered. Therefore, I want to leave my own tiny, but big mark in the open source project.

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