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Rohit Cdy
Rohit Cdy

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Prototype Design Pattern in C#

Prototype Design Pattern

The Prototype design pattern is a creation design pattern that specifies creating new objects by copying an existing object, thus avoiding the need to create new classes. This pattern allows us to clone existing objects, creating new instances with the same data. Any changes made to the cloned object do not affect the original object. It’s especially handy when the cost of creating an object is more expensive or complex than copying an existing one.

Example to Understand Prototype Design Pattern
Let’s illustrate this with a simple example. Suppose we have an Employee class with properties like Name and Department. When we copy one employee object to another using the assignment operator (=), both objects share the same memory address. However, we want to create a new object without affecting the original. Here’s how you can achieve that:

using System;

namespace PrototypeDesignPattern
    class Employee
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Department { get; set; }

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create an instance of Employee
            var emp1 = new Employee { Name = "John", Department = "HR" };

            // Create another employee instance by assigning the existing one
            var emp2 = emp1;

            // Change the Name property of emp2
            emp2.Name = "Alice";

            // Both emp1 and emp2 share the same memory
            Console.WriteLine($"Employee 1: {emp1.Name}, {emp1.Department}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Employee 2: {emp2.Name}, {emp2.Department}");

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In the above example, modifying emp2 also affects emp1 because they share the same memory. However, the Prototype Design Pattern allows us to create a new object without this shared reference.

When to Use Prototype Design Pattern?
The Prototype Design Pattern is particularly useful in scenarios where:

  • Object creation is costly in terms of resources and time.
  • You have an existing object similar to the one needed.

Real-Time Example of Prototype Design Pattern
In real-world scenarios, the Prototype Design Pattern is frequently used in game development. It allows instantiating multiple instances of game entities without the overhead of constructing each one from scratch.

Remember, the Prototype Design Pattern provides a way to create new or cloned objects from existing ones, making it a powerful tool for efficient object creation.

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