Every web development enthusiast trying to learn backend development often get stuck on what to learn as beginner backend developer. They get confused on project to build and the backend concepts to implement on that projects.
Having worked as backend developer for about two years and guided half a dozen fresh interns, I have a roadmap for the beginners. From my experience, what I can say is backend for beginners should be mainly focused on building endpoints, no more than that.
- learn basic commands of git
- create github profile and repository for your project
- have a proper grasp on one programming language.
- search for the popular and market demanding framework for the language.
- do not think of difficult project, just start with simple TODO app.
- create REST endpoints for CRUD in Todo app without connecting to database.
- perform CRUD connecting to database. start with any database, do not think much. I recommend postgreSql.
- deploy your project online. (up and running app gives you a good vibes).
Now you can build APIs and its deployed. Lets learn other backend concepts. After learning one concept, TRY implementing that on your TODO app.
- learn about ER diagrams, relationships, normalization crow foot notation like database design concepts.
- learn about HTTP status codes.
- learn the concepts of authentication and authorization (ROLE-BASED).
- learn about cookie, session and token (inclusively REFRESH TOKEN).
- try uploading files and images into your server.
- learn the concepts of database migrations, transactions, seeders and factories.
- After implementing any above points, please DEPLOY your project (it boosts your confidence)
Note: Implement the above concepts as much as you can. If you cannot implement at the moment, know the concept and move on to implementing another point, just don't get stuck.
Here is what I had written. Make it your wallpaper.
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