Spring Cloud Stream is the solution provided by Spring to build applications connected to shared messaging systems.
It offers an abstraction (the binding) that works the same whatever underneath implementation we use (the binder):
- Apache Kafka
- Rabbit MQ
- Kafka Streams
- Amazon Kinesis
- ...
You can also check out Spring Cloud Stream Kafka step by step where I got working a simple example using Kafka binder.
Let's try this time a simple example using Kafka Streams binder! 🤩
🍀 Spring Cloud Stream & Kafka Streams Binder - first steps
- First steps
- Goal
- Integration Test
- Kafka Streams binder configuration
- TotalScoreProcessor first implementation
- TotalScoreProcessor test using kafka-streams-test-utils
- Final implementation
First steps
A bit of documentation to start with:
We want to implement this flow:
- We receive messages with key = username and value = { score: number } from topic pub.scores
- We have to calculate the total score received by username on fixed windows of 10 seconds and send it to topic pub.totals
Integration Test
First we create a project using this spring initializr configuration and we add Kafka Streams binder dependency spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka-streams.
Using testcontainers and docker-compose with a Kafka container, we write the following integration test:
fun `should publish total scores`() {
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC_SCORES, USERNAME_1, "{\"score\": 10}")
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC_SCORES, USERNAME_2, "{\"score\": 20}")
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC_SCORES, USERNAME_1, "{\"score\": 30}")
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC_SCORES, USERNAME_2, "{\"score\": 40}")
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC_SCORES, USERNAME_1, "{\"score\": 50}")
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC_SCORES, USERNAME_2, "{\"score\": 60}")
// Send at least one more message so the previous window is closed
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC_SCORES, USERNAME_1, "{\"score\": 1}")
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC_SCORES, USERNAME_2, "{\"score\": 1}")
val records = kafkaConsumerHelper.consumeAtLeast(2, Duration.ofMinutes(1))
assertThat(records.associate { record -> record.key() to record.value() }).satisfies { valuesByKey ->
JSONAssert.assertEquals("{\"totalScore\": 90}", valuesByKey[USERNAME_1], true)
JSONAssert.assertEquals("{\"totalScore\": 120}", valuesByKey[USERNAME_2], true)
This test will obviously fail, but it should work once we have finished our implementation.
Note that we have to send another message after the window has expired to force Kafka Streams close the window.
It is the only way for Kafka Streams to be sure that there are no more messages left for that window.
In other words, what we are really implementing is:
Kafka Streams binder configuration
Next we configure the Kafka Streams binder:
name: "spring-cloud-stream-kafka-streams-first-steps"
definition: totalScoreProcessor
destination: "pub.scores"
destination: "pub.totals"
applicationId: "${spring.application.name}"
brokers: "localhost:9094"
key.serde: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serdes$StringSerde
value.serde: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serdes$StringSerde
With this configuration:
- Spring Cloud Stream will create a Kafka Streams binder connected to localhost:9094
- We need to create a @bean named totalScoreProcessor that should implement
Function<KStream, KStream>
interface- This @bean will connect a KStream subscribed to pub.scores topic to another KStream publishing to pub.totals topic
You can find all the available configuration properties documented in Kafka Streams Properties.
TotalScoreProcessor first implementation
We can start with a simple implementation for a TotalScoreProcessor that for every ScoreEvent received will generate a TotalScoreEvent with the same value:
data class ScoreEvent(val score: Int)
data class TotalScoreEvent(val totalScore: Int)
class MyTotalScoreProcessor(private val window: Duration) : Function<KStream<String, ScoreEvent>, KStream<String, TotalScoreEvent>> {
override fun apply(input: KStream<String, ScoreEvent>): KStream<String, TotalScoreEvent> {
return input.map { key, scoreEvent -> KeyValue(key, TotalScoreEvent(scoreEvent.score)) }
class MyApplicationConfiguration {
fun totalScoreProcessor(): Function<KStream<String, ScoreEvent>, KStream<String, TotalScoreEvent>>
= MyTotalScoreProcessor()
💡 We are using Spring Cloud Stream's default serialization/deserialization of Kotlin data classes to Json. In order for this to work we need to add com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin dependency.
This implementation is not fulfilling our goal yet, just execute MyApplicationIntegrationTest and see it still failing! 😓
TotalScoreProcessor test using kafka-streams-test-utils
Using the Test Pyramid principle we should use integration tests to test the simple test cases and test the more complicated ones using unit tests (if not unit tests at least less "integrated" tests).
To create these less "integrated" tests we can use kafka-streams-test-utils.
They will be faster and more reliable (not needing Kafka) and with some cool features like "advance time" to simulate messages published at different instants in time.
Here it is one way to create a TopologyTestDriver from kafka-streams-test-utils to test our TotalScoreProcessor:
fun beforeEach() {
val stringSerde = Serdes.StringSerde()
val scoreEventSerializer = JsonSerde(ScoreEvent::class.java).serializer()
val totalScoreEventDeserializer = JsonSerde(TotalScoreEvent::class.java).deserializer()
val streamsBuilder = StreamsBuilder()
// This way we test MyTotalScoreProcessor
val config = Properties().apply {
setProperty(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, stringSerde.javaClass.name)
setProperty(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, JsonSerde::class.java.name)
setProperty(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "test")
setProperty(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "test-server")
setProperty(JsonDeserializer.TRUSTED_PACKAGES, "*")
val topology = streamsBuilder.build()
topologyTestDriver = TopologyTestDriver(topology, config)
topicIn = topologyTestDriver.createInputTopic(TOPIC_IN, stringSerde.serializer(), scoreEventSerializer)
topicOut = topologyTestDriver.createOutputTopic(TOPIC_OUT, stringSerde.deserializer(), totalScoreEventDeserializer)
And then we can write tests like this one:
fun `should publish total score of one username when window expires`() {
topicIn.pipeInput(USERNAME_1, ScoreEvent(25))
topicIn.pipeInput(USERNAME_1, ScoreEvent(37))
topicIn.pipeInput(USERNAME_1, ScoreEvent(13))
// Send at least one more message so the previous window is closed
topicIn.pipeInput(USERNAME_1, ScoreEvent(1))
assertThat(topicOut.readKeyValuesToList()).singleElement().satisfies { topicOutMessage ->
Final implementation
After a few iterations your TotalScoreProcessor implementation should look similar to this:
override fun apply(input: KStream<String, ScoreEvent>): KStream<String, TotalScoreEvent> {
return input
.windowedBy(TimeWindows.ofSizeAndGrace(totalScoreWindow, Duration.ZERO))
{ TotalScoreEvent(0) },
{ _, scoreEvent, totalScoreEvent -> TotalScoreEvent(scoreEvent.score + totalScoreEvent.totalScore) },
Materialized.`as`<String?, TotalScoreEvent?, WindowStore<Bytes, ByteArray>?>("total-score")
.map { key, value -> KeyValue(key.key(), value) }
Note that we use the suppression operator to emit nothing for a window until it closes, and then emit the final result. If we were not using it we would have an output message for each input message.
Now you can play around with Kafka Streams DSL and do more complicated stuff!
Happy coding! 💙
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