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Discussion on: JavaScript Conditional Branching

robertseidler profile image
RobertSeidler • Edited

I really like the ternary operator in theory. Beeing able to have branching in an expression is lovely, but I hate how hard it is to read in JS (exponentially worse for nested branches).
I think python chose a way better syntax for expression branching:
Instead of:

ageGroup = (age >= 18) ? 'Adult' : "Child"
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You got:

ageGroup = 'Adult' if age >= 18 else 'Child'
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peerreynders profile image
robertseidler profile image

I do feel more and more drawn towards a more functional / declarative style of programming. It makes it (at least for me) more intuitive (both when reading and writing), than either imperative or object oriented.

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peerreynders profile image

I'm not sure that Python is the right "medium" for a functional/declarative style.

bello profile image
Bello Osagie
a = 5
b = 10
check_condition = True if a < b else False 
print(check_condition) # True
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That may be true because some people will disagree with you. But generally, python has a better syntax. That is why Python is used for complex code structure in AI, machine Learning, data science, etc.

If you already know JavaScript on the browser or web, I recommend trying out Brython...

robertseidler profile image

I'll give Brython a go, never heard of it :D

But JS has it's pros, too. In python I do miss having functions as first class objects (although that might help python, still. Making it more clear). And everything async feels slugish in python compared to js.

I enjoy switching back and forth every now and again.

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bello profile image
Bello Osagie

That's because you used Python... It happens to everyone at some point...