DEV Community

Robert Jaros
Robert Jaros

Posted on

KVision 8.0.0 is released

KVision is an open source web framework created for Kotlin/JS. It allows developers to build modern web applications with the Kotlin language.

I have released KVision 8.0.0. This is a major upgrade bringing some breaking changes.

Highlights of this release include:

  • Support for Kotlin 2.x
  • Upgraded dependencies (Kotlin 2.0.20, Gradle 8.10, Serialization 1.7.2, Coroutines 1.9.0-RC.2, KSP 1.0.25, Jooby 3.3.0, Spring Boot 3.3.3, Javalin 6.3.0, Vert.x 4.5.10, Micronaut 4.6.1, Ktor 2.3.12, Koin 4.0.0-RC2, logback 1.5.7, Multiplatform-diff 0.7.0, jackson-module-kotlin 2.17.2, hamcrest 3.0, Kotest 5.9.1, kotlin-wrappers 803, Shadow 8.3.0, gettext.js 2.0.3, Chart.js 4.4.4, Tempus Dominus 6.9.10, Electron 32.0.2, Material Web 2.1.0, Trix 2.1.5, Font Awesome 6.6.0, Tabulator 6.2.5).
  • Improvements to modal dialogs

For more details about this release see the changelog.


As with any other major release there are breaking changes in 8.0.0. A dedicated migration guide is available, so be sure to read it before upgrading.

Don't forget to ⭐️ my project if you like it!

As always, any feedback is appreciated!

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