Hi, Folks! Today, I solved three problems on LeetCode: Single Number, First Missing Positive, and Next Greater Element III. There are some common mistakes that most of us make myself included. For instance, when we come across an easy problem, we might be tempted to ignore it or use a familiar approach to quickly solve it, then move on without exploring further. However, it’s important to use resources to determine whether the solution you found is the most efficient one. If it’s not, take the time to learn the more efficient solution.
Single Number is an easy problem, and I was familiar with one approach. However, I was curious to find the most efficient solution. When I discovered it, I was really surprised that the problem could be solved in such an efficient way.
Similarly, when solving First Missing Positive and Next Greater Element III, it’s crucial to focus on building a solid logic first. Then, break it down into smaller steps this will simplify the process. Approaching problems in this way helps to develop better solutions.
I hope my experience will be helpful to you.
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