Hi, folks! Today, I solved three problems on LeetCode: “Find All Anagrams in a String,” “Longest Consecutive Sequence,” and “Search in Rotated Sorted Array.” These problems are really interesting, and we have different logical approaches to solve them. They are extensions of the classic problems of checking if two strings are anagrams and searching for a target element in an array.
Find All Anagrams in a String: To solve this problem, we can use the sliding window technique. We need to traverse the input array while keeping track of a fixed length of consecutive elements. We check whether this segment is an anagram of the target string. If it is, we add the index to the result array; if not, we ignore the index. In this way we can solve the problem.
Longest Consecutive Sequence: To solve this problem, we first remove duplicate elements from the array using a set. Then, we traverse the array and check for any sequence of consecutive elements (+1 or -1). If such a sequence exists, we keep track of its count; otherwise, we ignore it. This way, we can determine the length of the longest consecutive sequence.
Search in Rotated Sorted Array: To solve this problem, we can use the binary search approach. First, we divide the input array into two parts. We then identify which half is sorted and perform a binary search on that half to find the target element. If the target is not found in the sorted half, we continue searching in the unsorted half. If the target element is not found in either half, we return -1. In this way we can solve this problem.
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