DEV Community

Rick Delpo
Rick Delpo

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quick Programming Joke

I wonder if this is out there in the land of programming jokes

the only time you can have an argument alone is while programming

Top comments (15)

ezekiel_77 profile image

Why programmers like cooking.

You peel the carrot, you chop the carrot, you put the carrot in the stew. You don't suddenly find out that your peeler is several versions behind and they drop support for carrots in 4.3

rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

good one !!

best_codes profile image
Best Codes • Edited

I've got a few!

The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.
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How do you tell HTML from HTML5?
- Try it out in Internet Explorer
- Did it work?
- No?
- It's HTML5.
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 // This line doesn't actually do anything, but the code stops working when I delete it.
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A man is smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke rings into the air. His girlfriend becomes irritated with the smoke and says "Can't you see the warning on the cigarette pack? Smoking is hazardous to your health!" to which the man replies, "I am a programmer.  We don't worry about warnings; we only worry about errors."
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All from, a really cool API for developers to fetch jokes from.

rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

hey thanks for sharing !

fyodorio profile image

But you’re not alone, cos you pass the arguments to functions… 🤔

rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

ha ha very clever, but functions don't give u a hard time

rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

the function may give u a hard time but not an argument

cookiemonsterdev profile image
Mykhailo Toporkov 🇺🇦
  • The programming is about creating cool algorithms they said.
  • You that spending half the time to name variable...
rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

a fellow dev disagrees with my code to which I reply
we can get into an argument really easily over this

rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

I think we just had an argument

rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

others have disagreed too about my spaghetti code today, this one has multiple arguments.

Thread Thread
rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

now it is turning into a fight because everyone is arguing. I can't stand coding anymore.

tyisi profile image

Entropy is what it used to be!

rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

funny, I had to look this word entropy is the state of disorder, randomness or uncertainty. Your statement seems past tense. Much of coding still seems to fit into this state of entropy, so I have to laugh when u say it used to be.

rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

I cleaned up some of my code today and now am only down to one argument from three, not sure if others will raise new arguments about my syntax