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Discussion on: Explain Redux Like I'm Five

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

Hi Ogwuru, Redux is not an easy thing to tackle, this and the other comments should help :)

I'll try to introduce the core concepts of Redux (store, actions, reducers, subscriptions) with a super simple example.

Initial state

Let's say you have an apple. The apple represents your application's current state in time. Let's define the apple as a JS object:

const initialApple = {
  dirty: true, remainingBites: 5, color: 'red'


There are many things you could do with the apple, and every action may change the apple slightly.
Let's define the possible actions you could perform:

const WASH = {type: 'WASH'};
const EAT = {type: 'EAT', bites: 2};
const ROT = {type: 'ROT'};


We can now define a reducer function to handle these actions:

function appleReducer(state = initialApple, action) {
  switch(action.type) {
    case 'WASH':
      // sets the `dirty` field to `false`
      return {...state, dirty: false};

    case 'EAT':
      // decrements the number of remaining bites (cannot go below 0)
      // note that the number of bites is given as a payload in the EAT action
      return {
        remainingBites: Math.max(0, state.remainingBites - action.bites)

    case 'ROT':
      // changes the apple's color to brown
      return {...state, color: 'brown'};

    // we don't know how to handle other actions,
    // so let's just do nothing and return the apple
      return state;

Every time we perform (or dispatch) an action, the resulting apple object is slightly different from what it was before the action.


Now that we have a reducer (list of possible actions) and an initial state (the apple), let's create a store and provide the apple as the initial state:

const store = Redux.createStore(appleReducer, initialApple);

To retrieve the apple object at any time, we can use store.getState(), which returns

  dirty: true, remainingBites: 5, color: 'red'


Let's also subscribe to any changes to the apple:

function handleChange() {
  const currentAppleState = store.getState();
  if (currentApple.color === 'red') {
    console.log('Looks delicious!');
  } else {
    console.log('Looks awful, better throw it in the bin!');

Async actions

This timer starts when we first buy the apple and waits a whole week before dispatching the ROT action:

const weekInMilliseconds = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
setTimeout(() => {
}, weekInMilliseconds);

I hope you know how this works, but as a refresher: setTimeout takes two parameters: a function and the number of milliseconds to wait. After the number has passed, the function is called.

Dispatching actions

Now, let's do stuff with the apple.

Before all the actions:

// store.getState()
  dirty: true, remainingBites: 5, color: 'red'

After washing (store.dispatch(WASH);):

// store.getState()
  dirty: false, remainingBites: 5, color: 'red'
// console
Looks delicious!

After eating (store.dispatch(EAT);):

// store.getState()
  dirty: false, remainingBites: 3, color: 'red'
// console
Looks delicious!

After eating again (store.dispatch(EAT);)

// store.getState()
  dirty: false, remainingBites: 1, color: 'red'
// console
Looks delicious!

Let's forget about the apple for a while.

Oh, right — we used setTimeout to wait for a week. Once that resolves, the ROT action is dispatched and the resulting apple is this:

// store.getState()
  dirty: false, remainingBites: 1, color: 'brown'
// console
Looks awful, better throw it in the bin!

After washing, taking 4 bites and then waiting a week, there's not much left of the apple, but hopefully you understood the basics of Redux.

You can find the whole conversation here:

ogwurujohnson profile image
Johnson Ogwuru

Thanks Rhymes would go through it

vallerydelexy profile image

how a 5 yo could possibly understand this..

rhymes profile image

Ahah you have a point