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Feel free to contribute to LibreAV

LibreAV is a Free And Open-Source Anti-Malware For Android Using Machine Learning

GitHub logo projectmatris / antimalwareapp

Anti-malware for Android using machine learning

License Info Play Store Info F-Droid Build Status

LibreAV Banner v1.0

A free and open source anti-malware for android using machine learning.

Get it on Google Play


LibreAV is an attempt to detect malwares on android devices by utilizing machine learning approach.


  • Real time scanning
  • On device inference
  • Lightweight
  • 100% free and no ads

How it works?

LibreAV uses permissions and intent-filters to detect malicious apps. While scanning, it loads the machine learning model and extracts permissions and intents from the installed applications on the user's device. These extracted features are then fed to the machine learning model in the form of a vector. The machine learning model returns a prediction score between 0 and 1 that denote the degree of maliciousness of the scanned application. We use this score to classify the scanned app into one of the following categories:

  1. Goodware: The prediction score is less than 0.5
  2. Risky: Prediction score between 0.5 and 0.75
  3. Malware: Prediction score is greater than 0.75
  4. Unknown…