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Raghul Sayee K A D
Raghul Sayee K A D

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LetsGrowMore Web Development Internship Experience

Hello everyone,
I have successfully completed the web Development Internship at LetsGrowMore by completing the Task-1 and Task-2 assigned by them.

Task-1 : Single-Page Website
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, javascript, reactJs
Code Editor: Visual Studio Code
Github Link: []
Website Link: [file:///C:/Users/HP/Desktop/TASK%201/TASK%20-%201/index.html]

Task-1 Experience:
I have learnt HTML, CSS and javascript for designing this website through w3schools. I faced some issues in coding for the responsiveness of the website. On the whole it was a great experience and I have learnt and cleared the issues about how to code to set our current responsive locations on maps for contact and for the responsiveness of the website.

Task-2: Web Application Using Create-React-App
Technologies Used: HTML, React js, Javascript, CSS
Code Editor: CodeSandBox
Github Link: []
Website Link: []

Task-2 Experience:
I learnt React JS to complete this Web Application. In this I have used API link to fetch the data to display. This is a simple Web Application to display the users of the brand while clicking in the get users button. This gave me a great experience attempting a new skills on Web Development.

I thank Mr. Aman Kesarwani and LetsGrowMore for giving me this opportunity to work on the projects based on Web Development. Through this Internship I have learnt and gained a lot of practical knowledge in the field of Web Development.
To know more about LetsGrowMore Internships visit the site [] and [].

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