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How do I configure PuTTY settings when using a USB to connect to a Cisco device console port?

Configuring PuTTY for connecting to a Cisco device's console port involves going through many essential parts. These critical components, which include the USB-to-serial converter, COM port identification, and PuTTY settings adjustment, make up the foundation of a smooth connection process. In this guide, we will provide an understanding of the essential components needed to successfully interact with Cisco device using PuTTY.

Download and install PuTTY on your local computer.

Connect the USB-to-Serial Adapter

Insert the USB-to-serial adapter into the USB port on your computer.

Install USB-to-Serial Adapter Drivers:
Ensure that the USB-to-serial adapter drivers are installed on your computer.

Identify the COM Port:
On your computer, open the Device Manager.
Under the Ports section, look for the USB Serial Port.

Note down the COM port number assigned to your USB-to-serial adapter e.g. COM1, COM2.

PuTTY configure connection:

Open PuTTY on your computer.

On the left panel, go to the Serial category.

Enter the COM port number (for example, COM1) in the Serial line section.

Set the baud rate to match the device you're connected to e.g. 9600.
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Configure Other Serial Settings:
Adjust the data bits, stop bits, and parity settings according to the requirements of your Cisco device.
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Save Session Settings:

You can also save these settings for later use by entering a session name in the Saved Sessions section and click on save to save the session.
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Establish connection:
Click on Open to make the connection. Enter the username and password when prompted.

You should now see the console interface of your Cisco device in the PuTTY window. Finally, you have successfully configured PuTTY to connect to the console port of the Cisco device via a USB. The connection has been formed by identifying the COM port, establishing the baud rate, and defining other critical settings. You are now connected to the Cisco device console prepared to do any necessary setup, management, or troubleshooting operations.

You can also use SSH key authectication to connect Cisco device by using PuTTY.

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