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김재혁 (Paul Jaehyuk Kim)
김재혁 (Paul Jaehyuk Kim)

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Mastering the Art of GitHub Issues: A Guide for Effective Communication

Hello Dev Community,

In the world of software development, one crucial but often overlooked aspect is the creation of effective, comprehensible GitHub issues.

These are the lighthouse guiding developers to fix bugs, enhance features, and ultimately improve the software.

Today, we'll discuss the conventions for writing good GitHub issues and provide examples to illustrate these principles. Buckle up!


As software developers, we're all familiar with GitHub, the largest and most advanced development platform in the world. It's where we create, collaborate and share our coding prowess. But with great power comes great responsibility: communicating issues effectively. This article aims to enlighten you on the best practices for creating GitHub issues that are clear, concise, and easy for the maintainers to understand and address.

GitHub Issue Anatomy

A well-written GitHub issue usually contains the following sections:

  1. Title: A concise yet descriptive title summarizing the issue.
  2. Labels/Tags: Applicable labels or tags to categorize the issue for easier sorting and management.
  3. Environment Data: This is the context in which the issue occurs. It may include software version, OS version, relevant dependencies, and any other relevant information. Expected Behaviour: What you thought the software would or should do.
  4. Actual Behaviour: What the software is doing in reality. This is where you detail the problem.
  5. Steps to Reproduce: A step-by-step guide to recreating the issue.
  6. Images/Screenshots: Visual aids to illustrate the issue. Error Logs: Error logs, if available, can provide invaluable insights into the problem.
  7. Possible Solution/Suggestions: Any ideas or suggestions that might help solve the issue.
  8. Notes: Any other information that may aid in understanding and solving the problem.

Issue Example

Let's illustrate this with an example. Imagine you are working on a web application and encounter an issue where the login feature isn't working as expected.

Title: Login not authenticating with correct credentials

Labels/Tags: login

Environment Data:
Browser: Google Chrome v91.0.4472.124
OS: macOS Big Sur v11.4
Backend language: Python v3.8
Framework: Django v3.2
Database: PostgreSQL v13.3

Expected Behaviour:
Upon entering the correct username and password and clicking the login button, the user should be authenticated and redirected to the dashboard page.

Actual Behaviour:
Entering the correct username and password and clicking the login button results in a perpetual loading state. The user isn't authenticated nor redirected to the dashboard.

Steps to Reproduce:
Navigate to the Login page.
Enter a valid username and password.
Click on the Login button.

The issue is only reproduced in Chrome. Firefox and Safari are working as expected.

[Here, you can include any relevant screenshots or recordings of the issue.]

Error Logs:
If any error logs are available, include them here.

Making it Better: Suggestions and Potential Solutions
While the issue report is comprehensive and follows the conventions, there's always room for improvement. The first thing you can do is propose potential causes or solutions if you have an idea. For instance, you might have observed that an API call fails, leading to the perpetual loading state. If you're comfortable doing so, you could even suggest a code change or a fix.

Additionally, try to engage more with the project by linking to relevant issues if you think they're related. This gives more context and helps create a comprehensive understanding of the problem.


Writing good GitHub issues is an art. It requires a fine balance between providing enough information for others to understand and reproduce the issue while keeping it concise and to the point. The better your issue reports, the easier it is for maintainers and contributors to help solve the problem, ultimately leading to better software for everyone.

Remember, open-source projects thrive on collaboration and effective communication. And the first step in that communication is writing a good issue. So the next time you're about to file an issue, take a moment to consider these guidelines. The developers and maintainers will thank you.

Happy coding!

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