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Petr Dme
Petr Dme

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3 Github Repositories That Will Help To Side Hustle

So, I'm a software engineer who is trying to look for extra income in many ways. I do freelance, digital marketing, and also affiliate marketing. Although the income from these side hustles is not as great as my main job as a software engineer, I believe that making extra income as a side hustler will help my finances.

Along with my effort, I collected some repositories that can help me to do my side hustle. One of them is my repository, but I believe it will help you with side hustling.

GitHub is a treasure trove of repositories that can make your side projects more efficient and enjoyable. Here are three GitHub repositories that can give your side hustle the edge it needs:

  1. awesome-seo:
    Link: awesome-seo
    The author, madawei2699, is a Chinese developer. He has been organizing a checklist since a systematic study of Google SEO in 2019. The checklist undergoes periodic updates. Additionally, contributions in the form of PRs are welcome to his repo, along with the sharing of valuable links related to SEO.
    This repository contains guides and also curated list of tools related to SEO.
    At the time of this article, the repository got more than 2K stars.

  2. Software Engineer Affiliate Program Hub:
    Link: software-engineer-affiliate-program-hub
    Description: This is my repo. It is still growing, but I believe it will help any software engineer to learn about affiliate marketing. It contains a curated list of affiliate programs that are relatable to software engineers. For example, some tools that provide API also has an affiliate program. A software engineer can promote this kind of tool as they can also use it themselves for their work.
    Along with that, it also contains several guides on many things related to digital marketing.

  3. Awesome Digital Marketing
    Link: awesome-digital-marketing
    Description: 😎 A curated list of awesome digital marketing guides, resources, services, & more. That is the description made by the author, Paul Bradish. It contains a wide range of tools that can help people in digital marketing. It is intended for both software engineers and also digital marketers.

These repositories cover a spectrum of side hustle interests, from SEO to specific technology implementations and learning paths. Remember, the key to a successful side hustle is consistent effort and continuous learning. Happy side hustling!

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