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Peter van der Does
Peter van der Does

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Django + memcached + namespace


One of the drawbacks of using memcached is that you can not delete keys using a wildcard. With Django, you can delete many keys but you have to give it a list of keys to delete.

A way around this is by using namespaces. You will organize keys by namespace. For example, every key related to the products you sell falls in the namespace product. And your clients are in a namespace client. If you delete the namespace all keys within the namespace will be deleted as well. Unfortunately, we run into another snag, namespaces are not supported by memcached.

With the code presented in this article we fake namespaces and have a way to "delete" all keys in a namespace

TL;DR Check out the code.

How do we do this?

When we store data in memcached you need a key. What we will do is prepend this key with the namespace we want to use. For the key guitar, we will prepend the key like this product:guitar.

Wait! How will we invalidate all keys in the namespace product? Instead of using product as the prefix, we will store the namespace in memcached with a value. We use that value as the actual namespace.

The namespace key for memcached will be namespace:product and we store the value 1. I hear you say it: "Ha, but that will cause a conflict with other namespaces". You are right so let us prepend this value with the namespace itself like this product1. Now the guitar key will look like this product1:guitar.
When we change the value of the product value to product2, the guitar key will be product2:guitar. Now all keys in the namespace product1 will no longer be reachable and memcached will take care of removing them.


Wrapping this all up in a class to be used within Django

# code/

import time

import xxhash
from django.core.cache import cache as django_cache

HOUR = 3600
DAY = HOUR * 24

class MyCache:
    This class is used to create a cache for MyApp.

    def __init__(self, timeout=DAY):
        Initialize the cache.
        self.timeout = timeout if not IS_DEVELOPMENT else 20

    def __str__(self):
        Return a string representation of the cache.
        return "MyCache"

    def get(self, namespace, key):
        Get a value from the cache.

        namespace: str
        key: str
            cache_key = self.safe_cache_key(namespace=namespace, key=key)
            return django_cache.get(cache_key)
        except Exception:
            return None

    def set(self, namespace, key, value, timeout=None):
        Set a value in the cache.

        namespace: str
        key: str
        value: str|int|dict|list
        timeout: int or None
            cache_key = self.safe_cache_key(namespace=namespace, key=key)
            timeout = timeout or self.timeout
            django_cache.set(cache_key, value, timeout)
        except Exception:

    def delete(self, namespace, key):
        Delete a value from the cache.

        namespace: str
        key: str
            cache_key = self.safe_cache_key(namespace=namespace, key=key)
        except Exception:

    def delete_namespace(self, namespace):
        Delete the namespace


    def safe_cache_key(self, namespace, key):
        Create a key that is safe to use in memcached

        namespace: str
        value: str


        namespace = self.get_namespace(namespace=namespace)
        new_key = "{}:{}:{}".format(
            CACHE_PREFIX, namespace, xxhash.xxh3_64_hexdigest(key)
        return new_key

    def get_namespace(self, namespace):
        Get the namespace value for the given namespace

        namespace: str

        key = self.get_namespace_key(namespace=namespace)
        rv = django_cache.get(key)
        if rv is None:
            value = self.get_namespace_value(namespace=namespace)
            django_cache.add(key, value, DAY)
            # Fetch the value again to avoid a race condition if another
            # caller added a value between the first get() and the add()
            # above.
            return django_cache.get(key, value)

        return rv

    def update_cache_namespace(self, namespace):
        Update the value for the namespace key
        namespace: str
        key = self.get_namespace_key(namespace=namespace)
        value = self.get_namespace_value(namespace=namespace)
        django_cache.set(key, value, DAY)

    def get_namespace_key(self, namespace):

        namespace: str

        return xxhash.xxh3_64_hexdigest(f"namespace:{namespace}")

    def get_namespace_value(self, namespace):
        Create value for the namespace value

        The namespace is used to make sure the hashed value is unique

        namespace: str

        namespace_value = namespace + str(int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
        return xxhash.xxh3_64_hexdigest(namespace_value)

cache = MyCache()

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Set a value

cache.set("product", "combined_pricing", 5000)
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Get a value

pricing = cache.get("product", "combined_pricing")
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Delete single key

pricing = cache.delete("product", "combined_pricing")
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Delete namespace

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Using this code allows you to group memcached keys and invalidate the keys in that namespace all at once.


  • I hash all memcached keys as well as the namespace value because it is part of a key. Parts of the key are not predictable and could potentially have characters that are incompatible with a key.
  • Using time for the namespace value eliminates the need for an increase method.
  • I prefer xxhash over any other hasher, it's super fast.


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Photo by Colin Lloyd -

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