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Jin Lee for pebl

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Modern Cloud Workflow with Pebl - Part 4

In part 3 we explored adding object store capabilities with an intuitive file system interface.

In part 4 we are going to look at adding scheduled tasks to our application.

Decorating Scheduled Tasks

With pebl scheduled tasks are created with a python decorator placed on the function that you want to run at a regular interval:

import pebl

@pebl.cron("task", "@hourly")
def task():
  import time
  print(" -- task running at:", time.time())
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The first argument to the decorator is a unique identifier provided by you. Pebl ensures that there's only one scheduled task ever registered for each identifier, meaning that updates & redeploys behave as expected.

The second argument is the interval, and currently only two values are supported, @hourly and @daily.

Simple Example

Let's incorporate a scheduled task into our Flask application! And while doing so let's also utilize the object store. We will create a simple daily task that snapshots the current count.

import pebl
import redis
from flask import Flask

conn = redis.Redis(**pebl.redis("redis-1"))

app = Flask(__name__)

def root():
  return "Hello!"

@app.route("/counter", methods=["POST"])
def increment():
  return "success!"

@app.route("/counter", methods=["GET"])
def get_count():
  curr = conn.get("counter")
  return {
    "counter": int(curr) if curr else 0

@pebl.cron("snapshot", "@hourly")
def counter_snapshot():
  path = f"/snapshots/{int(time.time())}"
  curr = conn.get("counter")
  with open(path, "w") as f:

pebl.service(app, "")
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Give this a try by running it with pebl run!


And with that we have covered four key capabilities provided by the pebl SDK, and also how to run and deploy pebl workloads.

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