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poshiya parth s
poshiya parth s

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A Comprehensive Guide to Using React Query's useQuery for API Calls

In modern React applications, managing asynchronous data fetching is crucial for delivering a seamless user experience. One powerful library that simplifies this process is react-query. This blog post will provide a comprehensive guide on how to use the useQuery hook from the react-query library for making API calls in a React application.

Setting Up the API Call Function:
Start by creating a function to handle the API call. In the provided code, getadmin is used to fetch admin information. Ensure that this function is capable of making the necessary API requests.

Creating a Custom Hook with useQuery:
Introduce a custom hook, such as useapiQuery, which utilizes useQuery from the react-query library. This hook encapsulates the logic for making API calls, managing loading states, and handling errors. Customize it based on your application's specific requirements.

Destructuring the Query Result:
Explore the various properties provided by the useQuery hook, such as data, isLoading, isFetching, error, and more. Destructuring these properties allows easy access to the current state of the data fetching process.

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Indicates whether the query is currently in a loading state.
true if data is being fetched, false otherwise.
Useful for displaying loading indicators or conditional rendering during data retrieval.

Represents whether background refetching is currently occurring.
true if the query is actively fetching data in the background, false otherwise.
Useful for providing real-time updates or indicating ongoing background data refresh.

Contains any error that occurred during the data fetching process.
When an error occurs, this property holds information about the error, enabling developers to handle and display error messages appropriately.

Indicates the timestamp when the error state was last updated.
Useful for tracking when the error occurred and providing context on the timeline of error events.

Represents the overall status of the data fetching process.
Possible values include "idle," "loading," "success," or "error."
Offers a high-level overview of the current state, aiding in conditional rendering and logic handling.

A boolean flag indicating whether an error occurred during the data fetching process.
true if an error occurred, false otherwise.
Provides a simple way to check for errors and adjust the application's behavior accordingly.

A boolean flag indicating whether the data fetching process has been successfully completed.
true if the data was fetched successfully, false otherwise.
Helpful for determining if the data is available for rendering and performing subsequent actions.

Certainly! The react-query library's useQuery hook provides a variety of properties that offer insights into the status and behavior of the asynchronous query

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