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Andrés Valdivia Cuzcano
Andrés Valdivia Cuzcano

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Redux enhancer

In this blog we will talk about how an enhancer works and how it allows us to “create” a new Store Creator and "replace" the createStore function provided by Redux.

Store creator

As we know, we create a Store using the createStore function. This function takes a reducer as its first argument, and an initial state (optional) and an enhancer (also optional) as its second and third arguments, respectively. The createStore function returns a Store.

type StoreCreator = (reducer: Reducer, initialState?: State, enhancer?:Enhancer) => Store
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Store creator without enhancer

What is an enhancer?

An enhancer is simply a higher-order function, this means that it can take functions as arguments or return a function. In this case, an enhancer takes the current StoreCreator as its argument and returns a new StoreCreator. We can represent it as follows:

type StoreEnhancer = (currentStoreCreator: StoreCreator) => StoreCreator
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Store creator using an enhancer

Let's create a dummy enhancer.

import { createStore } from "redux";

// the enhancer takes a CreateStore as argument
const dummyEnchancer = (createStore) => {
    return (reducer, state, enhancer) => {
        const store = createStore(reducer, state, enhancer)

        // and return a new Store
        return { }

const store = createStore(rootReducer, undefined, dummyEnchancer);
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In the example above, we can see that we can customize the StoreCreator function as we wish. The only rule is that we must return a new StoreCreator function, which will replace the one provided by Redux.

In summary:

  1. The enhancer must return a new Store Creator
  2. You can add any new functionalities to the Store Creator or the Store, as we will see later
  3. The new Store Creator must return a new Store
  4. Add the enhancer as the last parameter to the createStore function


1. Customize the store dispatch:

import { createStore } from "redux";

const greetEnhancer = (createStore) => {
    return (reducer, state, enhancer) => {
        // create a store
        const store = createStore(reducer, state, enhancer)

        // create a "Dispatch enhancer"
        const newDispatch = (action) => {
            const result = store.dispatch(action)
            // add some logic after dispatch any action
            console.log('Do something here :D')
            return result

        return {
            dispatch: newDispatch

const store = createStore(rootReducer, undefined, greetEnhancer);
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In this example, we create a store and use its dispatcher inside a new one. This ensures that the action is dispatched and that we can add our own logic. Finally, we return the new StoreCreator, which provides a new store with the dispatcher we just created.

2. Customize the store reducer (source):

import { createStore } from "redux";

const monitorReducerEnhancer =
  createStore => (reducer, initialState, enhancer) => {

        // create an "Reducer enhancer"
    const monitoredReducer = (state, action) => {
            // add time measurement when using the store reducer
      const start =
      const newState = reducer(state, action)
      const end =
      const diff = round(end - start)

      console.log('reducer process time:', diff)

      return newState

        // return the new Store created using the new reducer
    return createStore(monitoredReducer, initialState, enhancer)

const store = createStore(rootReducer, undefined, monitorReducerEnhancer);
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In the above example, we create an enhancer that contains a "new reducer" which wraps the original reducer. This allows new logic to be executed each time the reducer is used. Finally, we return the new StoreCreator that creates a store which uses the monitoredReducer as the reducer.

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