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adriens for opt-nc

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πŸ“Š Count comments on a GitHub issue 🎫

☝️ Why counting comments matters ?

There are two type issues with a lot of comments :

1️⃣ The ones that are popular, then getting a lot of feedback πŸ€—
2️⃣ The ones that have a lot of comments because we struggle to fix them efficiently 😱

πŸ‘‰ In both cases, performing report on them can be helpful to monitor your RUN performances.

❔ Count with API calls

☝️ There actually is no native gh issue command to count issues on a specific command...

πŸ‘‰ but gh api...

"Makes an authenticated HTTP request to the GitHub API and prints the response."

gh api <endpoint> [flags]
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πŸ’‘ This short post is documenting how easy it is to count comments on a given issue.

πŸ€“ Snippet

gh api -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
  -F per_page=100 \
  /repos/YOUR_ORGA/REPO/issues/ISSUEID/comments | \
  jq '. | length'
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Oldest comments (4)

adriens profile image
jnv profile image
Jan Vlnas

Thanks for the tip!

I can't wrap my head around one thing, though: wouldn't that count comments only up to 100, as more comments would be paginated? πŸ€”

I wonder if issue endpoint would be better for this task, as it seems to contain comments property with the comments count.

adriens profile image

Hmmm, that looks pretty interesting indeed !

"comments": 0,

adriens profile image

Here we go, and thanks a lot for having pointed this to us, see that trick @mbarre :

gh api -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
  -F per_page=100 \
  /repos/ORGA/REPO/issues/ISSUID | \
  jq '.comments'
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... I could get :


within a single shot 😊