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#014 Volumes


this is part 14 from the journey it's a long journey(360 day) so go please check previous parts , and if you need to walk in the journey with me please make sure to follow because I may post more than once in 1 Day but surely I will post daily at least one 😍.

And I will cover lot of tools as we move on.

Download app_014


if you follow part 9

cd location/DevOpsJourney/app_014/
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replace location with where you put the DevOpsJourney

if your new go to part 9 and do same steps will download old lecture files and new one.

The Problem

so the problem with our Docker right now is every time we need to make a change for our code we need to rebuild image , is time and space waste , and not a pragmatic way to do.

Let's see the problem

first let's build our app

docker image build -t app_014 .
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and let's run our app

docker run -it app_014
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our app will print a message and save a number to a file.txt
let's take a look inside our app


it will save number 12 to a file.txt

let's take a look inside our app folder , as we know docker will create an app folder inside his own image because we asked to do this , check #009 Dockerfile
so to access this app folder using interactive shell


docker run -it app_014 sh
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inside the interactive shell

cat file.txt
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we can see that 12 is stored

Time to make a change

let's change 12 in our to 666
first exit our interactive shell

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I use vim as my text editor(actually as complete IDE ;D )

let's take a look again inside the container


docker run -it app_014 sh
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inside the interactive shell

cat file.txt
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we can see that isn't changed

The fix

we can fix our problem using -v (volume)

docker run -it --rm --name app_014 -v $PWD:/app app_014
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$PWD is a default variable in linux it store the home url
in our case , we use in docker alpine which is a linux based distro , /app is the directory we make in Dockerfile to store our app
again let's take a look inside

docker run -it --rm --name app_014 -v $PWD:/app app_014 sh
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inside the interactive shell

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as we see we got 666 without rebuild our image!


let's try 999


see as soon I change my code is got updated inside the image with out rebuild the image.

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