DEV Community

Oliver Mensah profile picture

Oliver Mensah

Into Software Engineering(SWE) 💻 & Developer Relations(DevRel) 🥑


Ashesi University, Ghana


Software Engineer

Seven Year Club
Writing Debut
Six Year Club
Trusted Member 2022
Hacktoberfest 2022
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Codeland:Distributed 2020
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
4 Week Writing Streak
One Year Club
Working on Legacy Software: Rewriting technique, experience and lessons

Working on Legacy Software: Rewriting technique, experience and lessons

Comments 1
5 min read

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My tutorials on other platforms

My tutorials on other platforms

Comments 2
1 min read
Learning to write code that is readable, maintainable, testable, and future changes.

Learning to write code that is readable, maintainable, testable, and future changes.

Comments 7
1 min read
Dependency Injection - A Practical Perspective.

Dependency Injection - A Practical Perspective.

8 min read
Basics of Object Design - Part Two

Basics of Object Design - Part Two

Comments 1
5 min read
Recent Computer Science Graduate: Taking a Full-Time Role vs Getting into Rotational Programs

Recent Computer Science Graduate: Taking a Full-Time Role vs Getting into Rotational Programs

Comments 15
1 min read
Understanding the Building Blocks of Declarative Methods on JavaScript Array Data Collection

Understanding the Building Blocks of Declarative Methods on JavaScript Array Data Collection

7 min read
Basics of Object Design - Part One

Basics of Object Design - Part One

Comments 14
10 min read
Basics of Object Design - Introduction

Basics of Object Design - Introduction

Comments 3
1 min read
Introducing the "barePHP" Framework as My Final Computer Science Project and also a call for comment about the project

Introducing the "barePHP" Framework as My Final Computer Science Project and also a call for comment about the project

Comments 1
1 min read
What kind of Questions would you like to ask Recruiters?

What kind of Questions would you like to ask Recruiters?

Comments 2
1 min read
Software Development Career Path

Software Development Career Path

Comments 2
1 min read
Software Engineers shouldn't code. That's the job of the developer.

Software Engineers shouldn't code. That's the job of the developer.

Comments 9
1 min read
Using Webpack and React to Achieve Similar Workflow as Create-React-App(CRA) CLI.

Using Webpack and React to Achieve Similar Workflow as Create-React-App(CRA) CLI.

Comments 2
3 min read
Learning Frameworks and APIs vs Software design principles

Learning Frameworks and APIs vs Software design principles

Comments 3
1 min read
Design Patterns for Developers using JavaScript - Part Three

Design Patterns for Developers using JavaScript - Part Three

3 min read
Theory behind choosing either Relational or Non-Relational Database for your application

Theory behind choosing either Relational or Non-Relational Database for your application

Comments 7
2 min read
Design Patterns for Developers using JavaScript - Part Two

Design Patterns for Developers using JavaScript - Part Two

Comments 11
4 min read
Design Patterns for Developers using JavaScript - Part One

Design Patterns for Developers using JavaScript - Part One

Comments 1
3 min read
Building Modular JavaScript Application with ES6 Module System

Building Modular JavaScript Application with ES6 Module System

Comments 1
2 min read
Pure Class Fields in React Component

Pure Class Fields in React Component

1 min read
Obtaining immutable operations with native ES6 function.

Obtaining immutable operations with native ES6 function.

Comments 3
1 min read
Hiding details in JavaScript classes with symbols

Hiding details in JavaScript classes with symbols

Comments 22
1 min read
That hard times while learning to code in college and how I was advised by a senior

That hard times while learning to code in college and how I was advised by a senior

Comments 7
2 min read
Hi, I'm Oliver Mensah

Hi, I'm Oliver Mensah

1 min read